New Zealand
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1:10, I won’t count the 2 missed clicks, I clicked on the spot twice before it registered!
Well, I really wanted to find all 5 on my own, but gave up at 7:34 and revealed the fifth. I have to protest about the miniscule difference in the number of pilings. I actually looked there, but couldn’t detect the difference until I revealed it.
Details are so far away and tiny. Not good for older eyes.
I agree, Robert! Same thing happened to me 🙂 Details on this one were so tiny.
Needs to register on the center of the difference rather than on the edge of it. Clicked twice on the opening in the pilings and would not register until I included the whole boat!
Points that register the differences, are not always where the difference is!
Which causes inaccurate miss clicks!
I used to like this game but it’s gotten too fussy with the clicks.
3:50 – found 4 within 5 secs – finally had to take a reveal as my old eyes were spinning. Even after it being pointed out, it took a bit to see the difference. Guess you can’t win them all.
2:06 Not one of my favorites! It was hard on the eyes!
Great puzzle. I am amazed that I can overlook and not see a difference. That is not your problem.n It is mine. Thanks for the challenging puzzles.
Terrible also.. but glad to see I’m not alone
When I click FOUR times at the same spot and only the last one registers, I tend to believe your designers are having a affair with John Barleycorn.
2:34 no misses. Very small details to the eyes but fun to do.
3:21 no misses. Hard on the eyes for us seniors. Fun to do.
1:54 with no reveal or missed clicks
Ah, Auckland! IT is a beautiful city, glad I had chance to visit recently. The ‘spots’ have gotten slightly more challenging, or my eyes need a check up
0:36 Makes up for my slow time yesterday.
That was brutal. Nice picture though.
Well, I had the 4 in record time. Never did discover the last one. Did a reveal and it took me awhile to see the difference. 2:34 was my time. On to next week.
45 seconds, no reveals.
:42, 40 tries. I have to pound on my screen to get them to show up!
.18 surprised myself
2:34 No reveals.
All I can say is no reveals
1:43 with no help. yesterday was not as well, 4:43. Still with no help.
Had to use 1 reveal, still dont see difference in the boat. 2:15
1:59 no reveals
2:48 no reveals
2:47 no reveals
Can’t say why it was easy today! 0:55, my first time under a minute, too.
God bless you all!
0:52 my first time under a minute. no reveals
1:26. Very nice picture.