New Orleans
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28 seconds. Amazing what can be accomplished when the ‘clicker’ works the first time………………..
WOW…. 14 seconds! no missed clicks, no reveals!
.50 secs… Finally under one minute..Must be my lucky day..I better buy a lotto ticket!
0:56 my best on this type of puzzle. Must be my week. Guess I had better enjoy it while it lasts.
30 seconds. First time under 1:30.
37 seconds…. after my poor showing on yesterday’s puzzle, this one makes me feel brighter! ?
:32 No misses..My best ever
47 seconds. My best by far!
Yay… 22 seconds. Thank you AMAC for another victory.
0:29 best ever
Yay! :22 seconds. Thank you AMAC for another victory.
Congrats to all, I was 1:02 and I thought that was good.
Wow! 36 seconds! That’s my best on this type of puzzle! Love playing these games every morning. Thanks so much!
50 seconds 1st time around…. Not bad for a country boy with one eye and can’t see out of the other….
24 seconds – I almost feel like I cheated, but I didn’t!! 😀
18 secs… Much easier than most.
1:00 a record for me!
WHAT?! 26 SECONDS!!!! Never had that low on Spot the diff. Oh wait, everyone else did super well, also! Must’ve been a super duper easy one! Oh well. Ha! ?
1:56 minutes! Can’t believe it, am I getting better, or what?!
.44, my fastest and easiest for any of these puzzles. Have a great day!
:45 not too bad for me!
Ok so I am the only one who had trouble clicking on the double things on top? I had 30 missed clicks, I finally gave up and asked for a reveal, because I was so focused on trying to get the top one to circle I missed the one in the middle. I ended up with 2:14
35 seconds
Oh no 24 sec.? Something went wrong. WAAAAAAAAY too easy.
This went quick. 21secs.
0.37 seconds, not minutes. My best time also.
2:19, not bad for me. By the way, I drove past the cathedral numerous times between San Antonio, Texas and Panama City, Florida while stationed at Lackland AFB and traveling I-10.
0:21 best time ever on ANY puzzle
Yay, 36 seconds!!
Over 4 minutes but took time to watch the weather.
51 seconds too easy today.
43 seconds. My best time. I’ve spent a lot of time there growing up.
My best ever at 41 sec. I agree, must have been easier than usual, as this puzzle isn’t my specialty, lol.
Happy with1:05. I’m usually WAY slower!!
41 seconds. Was quite simple this time.
11 seconds – I am the champion! %o)
Yeah . . . This one was pretty easy but still great fun. Loved Jim Shedd’s comment about driving by the cathedral!
:54 seconds. Must have been an easy one.
2.46. I’m making an eye doctor appointment.
I didn’t even qualify…
46 seconds. The best ever for me!
This was too easy
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.37 best yet
Who hoo! 1 minute for me. One of my best times!!!!
Wow! Fastest time ever!
I keep forgetting to move my screen–missed the carriages for 2 minutes ;-(