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3:12 Still don’t see the difference on the lower right??
I clicked 21 times on the upper missing leaves before I found the correct spot. It took me awhile to see the difference on the right side. I did a reveal for it. This was a hard one for me.5:29.
1:41 w one reveal, the tree on the right.
Wow! I needed teo reveals and even after one of them, I couldn’t even see the difference. New glasses? Or maybe I should do it on my computer instead of my iPhone? Kind of a downer today! Good thing I don’t really care. Lol
1:13 – no reveals – had to take my glasses off to see the missing window on the right.
Patty L. I never do any of these on my phone it’s too difficult to see.
The picture is dark where there are differences. Took awhile to notice the missing window in the shadows behind the branches.
It took me 8:32, because I was determined to find all 5. Somehow or another, I missed the one that should have been the most obvious of all, even after I studied that spot in the picture, several times.
1:09 I do like spot the diff.
.27 Nice place
3:14 with no help. The tree at top right took most of the time. yesterday was 1:45>
1:44. Seems OK to me 🙂
39 seconds
52 sec. and I didn’t even have to look up the last one like I usually do!
A short 2 minutes to find 4 then 3 minutes to find 1.
1:46 with 10 missed clicks on the white spot in the middle of the oval window – 10!!! So, I just gave up and hit reveal for the last one on the left side of the building which I still can’t see any difference. I wonder why I still do these crazy FIND THE DIFFERENCE puzzles????
1.03. Clicker worked!
I really had to enlarge the picture to see the window through the trees!
2nd story widow is missing
3:28 with one missed click trying to find the magic spot over the difference.
You finished in 0:26
Missed Clicks: 1
I might sure why I was charged with a miss click, but I was ~George
took me 8 min – with my glasses on then off but I got them all w/o reveal = whew!
4:15 Had a hard time finding that last one! I accidently found one by bumping the mouse pad. Lol
1:40 Good time for me!
Was this picture used previously? Iit looks really familiar and I remember that top tree branch being one of the finds.