Memorial Day
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Just home from driving 2 hours to The Dalles, decorating grave of cousin who was captured in the Pacific during WWII and survived 3 years in Japanese prison camp. We celebrated when he came home. Next I’ll go to Willamette National cemetery to decorate grave of his brother, who lost an arm throwing himself on a grenade to save his fellow soldiers in the same war. To me, that is Memorial Day – remembering and honoring. I’ll have the hamburgers, hotdogs, and pie some other time. Thank you, Lord, for Harry and Jack.
Hot dogs, burgers and the American Flag. Thanks to all those that perished to preserve freedom.
I enjoy the comments as much as the puzzles. Thanks.
Fun! I look forward to these every week! Thank-you for providing them.
You finished in 1:27
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Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all who served and their families.
Making me hungry for burgers and cherry pie!!
Gave up on the last one at 6:00 minutes.
The length of the hot dog…
2:33 took at least a minute to find that missing
little line of mustard.
I started off with a bang and then crashed – a middling 2:39 was all I could muster. Now, please pass the mustard!
1:32 no reveals
1.33 looks good to eat
1:58 Pretty good for me.
I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay under 1 minute for the first 4, but took forever to spot the place where the ketchup and mustard ran out. Or do you say catsup? Anyway, 2:16. Also, when starting this comment, my computer kept adding letters and words I never touched. I started over several times and finally just typed out my comment, and then went back and deleted as necessary. Anyone else have a similar problem?
Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to those currently serving our armed forces throughout the USA and deployed around the world. I have to say, I’d love to pull off a beautiful blueberry pie with stars and stripes utilizing the pie dough! Love your comments – always
I’d like to join these folks for lunch!! I, too, always look fwd to the Wednesday “Spot the Difference’ puzzles!
Best time for me ever! Guess it was because food was involved.
1:53, gotta be my best time. I want to wish everyone a “Reflective Memorial Day”. This is a solemn holiday, so please Reflect on the Service and Sacrifice of all Veterans. “All Gave Some, Some Gave ALL” To all of those my age, ” A Reflective Decoration Day” as this is still Decoration Day to me.
Good job Gwen. Memorial Day is a sad day, a day of remembering the loved ones who gave their lives for this country. A time to memorialize those who are not here and the sacrifice they made for all of us. They are the real heroes we must remember and celebrate, not the hotdogs and hamburgers.
fun and relaxing 59 secs. Really enjoy these games. And they help relieve the stress of current event news 😉
1:02. Happy Memorial Day, America! Too bad fewer and fewer folks are serving now. I enjoyed it (even enlisted to do it) and would do it again, ‘cept I’m now 71 years old. Probably lost a step….
51 seconds. Of course with one missed click! My time sorta made up for the forever time on word search.
1:46…had to use 1 reveal. Darn.
1:08 One of my better times. Happy Memorial Day!!!!!!
49 seconds.
2:29 for today. 3:06 for yesterday.
Couldn’t find the last one
Never did find the last one. Did a reveal. The darn catsup/mustard on the hotdog got me. Enjoy Memorial Day folks.
45 seconds.
2:58 missed the length of the middle hot dog.
I blew it.. – oh well
1:06 Pretty easy
50 seconds, all-time best for me….