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2:37…the clicker was practically useless today. Lotsa stuff goin’ on in that picture…….
2:47.. 5 with no reveals.
So, I cheated a little bit. It’s been a bad 4 months. 2022 better be kinder to me than 2021.
2:10 One reveal, just couldn’t find the last one, a sock, not missing, just different. One minute to find 4 and a minute-ten to not find one. Lol. Happy New Year everyone!
5:17 no misses or reveals
Can’t do these anymore, right eye too far gone!
I thought this one was really tough. I gave up and took 2 reveals. But I am not much interested in the subject matter. I much prefer the AMAC games and puzzles that take me somewhere I have not been.
25:53 and finally had to use a reveal
oh… the sock… sure…
3:59 with one reveal (the head over the left hand runner’s left shoulder, so obvious once revealed) and three supposed missed clicks though each item I clicked on registered on the first click. Pretty easy puzzle but totally missed the last difference.
3:35 the sock was hardest to find
2:42, and yes, the sock was the hard one for me too. No reveals though.
2.52 The sock was my down fall but found with no reveals
2:37 Good one!
.43 My best yet!
40 seconds – one of best times for me.
22 seconds, no reveals or miss, best time ever, just got lucky.
1:50 that sock almost got me
I missed the sock…had to do a reveal on it. Ugh!
30 seconds. No misses or help. One of my better days.
The sock got me.
Terrible time. Finally had to use a reveal on the last one.
I’m glad everyone else had a hard time with the sock. I finally had to use a reveal, and I never do that. Maybe it would have been easier if I wasn’t doing it on my phone.
Great puzzle. I had to use one reveal. Did not find the lower right difference in the sock length. Better fortunes next time.
Could not get the statue to disappear so had several missed clicks. Did it in 2:33…
3:09 – no help..kinda slow but it was a difficult one for me
3:41 Tough one, had to use a reveal.
3:26. This was a hard one for me. No reveals though.
2:18. This one was a bit of a challenge. But as always, enjoy doing these!
2.37 no reveals….kinda hard
I had 4 of them under a minute,but missed the sock as well. I stubbornly hung in there until I finally gave up and hit the reveal at 6:07. Just an after thought, why don’t they have an option for “yes, I’m a robot.”
Did anyone else notice that the runner from Finland, #1006 has THREE legs?
Got all 5 in 2:06 and thought that was terrible. Started out trying to click in the left pic.
UGH..not my day!! 3:22 with 1 reveal. UGH!!
Oops! Upon studying #1006’s said third leg, I think it is the leg and foot
of the runner directly behind #1006.
stared for a long time but missed the sox
Stinky sock.
6:16 no missed clicks but 1 reveal. The sock on the guy in blue got me