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1:12 that is good for me.
:19. My fastest time ever at Spot the Difference. Wow. 🙂
0:37 – got lucky today, they just jumped out at me
.21 not bad!
Prob never happen again, but I got it in 21 secs with no “official” missed clicks, but I did click one purely by accident. All but two of them jumped out at me. The last two were so close together that when I clicked on the one I spotted, it circled the other, which drew my eye right to it.
0.32. My fastest ever.
Another very fast one 0.34. but I admit that the second to last one was a mistake. I was trying for the picture in the lower left hand section and accidently got the chair.
31 secs very easy today
28 seconds not too shabby for a mid weeker.
1:16 Blind in right eye!
41 seconds
1:47 Have a great day!
23 seconds.
25 seconds, that’ll never happen again.
.41 because one of my clicks registered on a difference that was close instead to the one I found. So precious seconds saved! 🙂
1:05 – pretty easy with a big distraction of this glorious morning on the Big Island, Hawaii. 3 more days in paradise.
Double nickels and no missed clicks.
1:13 Got the first 4 right away. Had to hunt for the last one.
Great Puzzle! Books one of my favorite thins, Thank you AMAC
16 seconds. Best ever.
1:05 Kinda easy, but still so much fun
These puzzles on spot the difference are getting awful! You can see the obvious but when you tap on it, it won’t circle the spot.
0.33..Too easy.
18 seconds and NO reveals…………yeah me!
1:21, no misses
A minute, but I had to touch he area up high 8 times before it circled. Arrrggghhhhh!
1:34 no too shabby today!
.16 lucky today
.23 my all-time best.
.20 a new record for me. Easy-Peasey.
.28. Whoa….this is the best that I’ve ever done. I always enjoy doing these!
1:17 pretty good for me
1:04. Not too bad.
:52 fun
15seconds! Way too easy!
This puzzle must be a really good one
because AMAC sent a link to it in two different e-mails today.
1:32 – no misses!!
20 seconds! Really easy, this puzzle.
Was slowed down by having to click multiple times…but fun anyway.
50 seconds. Used a reveal. Did not click on one correctly.
As usual, had 4 in under 15 seconds, took forever for the last one that was practically next to another where the circle covered it. 2:54 time wise.
1:04 but had to click 3 times to get it to take on the last one. 1:04
:12 seconds My record!!!
1:04 but sometimes when you click on it it doesn’t respond. Still a good score for me.
1:37 but I had to click on one several times before it worked!
1.09 pretty good for me.