Key West
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These are great, and it is particularly enjoyable when (as it did today) the clicker works correctly the first time…..!
Good timing for me! 2:09.
1:43. Easy one today. I love Key West!
1:25…. Fun! ?
1:00. Was easy
0:33 … Easy today.
2:45! The last one thru me!
36 seconds. Must have been set on too easy for me to do so well. I really like these puzzles.
0:45 This one was way too easy.
1:08 My fastest!
1:44! Not too bad!!! 🙂
0:28 Easiest one, yet.
1:11 these are fun
These picture puzzles are a lot of fun. They exercise the brain yet teach you to be more observant. Great job AMAC.
1:36 a good time for me. Love these!
I, too, usually get 4 of them right off – then it takes me what seems like forever to find the last one. My time is longer than any of you but I bet I enjoy these puzzles as much as any of you. Thanks, Amac!
1:41 no misses
56 seconds and no misses. Either this one was easy or I’m getting better. These are fun. I look forward to them.
Is it just me or is this a repeat from the not-to-distant past?
Thank you for the entertainment. I like these games a lot that exercise my brain!
2:24 zero misses! Beautiful picture, love these puzzles.
1:04 rest zeros
2:13. This was one of my best times – I needed no hints.
10 secs. no misses
:50 Not :36, but I’m not complaining. I like games that make you pay attention/ be observant.
2:31. It took me a long time to find that final one!
Really easy Spit the Difference. Just 52 seconds
my favorite of all the games is spot the difference. makes you really look and pay attention to detail 🙂
1:34 I like to make these last as long as possible…this one went too fast.
These are good brain exercises. Thanks
I knew there would be some of you brainiacs that did this puzzle in minus 14 seconds but I am pretty happy with my 2:06. I usually struggle on these. This is one of my best times.
I also enjoy these. This one was an easy one. My best score, and I was not trying to compete. 0:33
These are the only games I play on AMAC and I really enjoy them. Thank you.
You finished in 2:26
2:54 with one missed click, though I don’t remember it. Beautiful photo.
I enjoy the games. Thank you!
You finished in 0:12
Missed Clicks: 0
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I too, enjoy “Spot the difference”. Even my Great Grandson gets in on the game. He’s only 6 but he does really well. Every time I do one, if he’s here he always wants to try it. We both enjoy them. AARP has a lot of brain games online that are challenging also but I think I enjoy this one more than any I play, mostly ’cause it’s over so quickly.
More please
2:36 and pretty good for me, as Find the Difference isn’t my strong suit.
Loved the photo of this beautiful home!
1:57 which about average for me. These puzzles keep me observant.
:47 WOW I can’t believe that I found them that quickly! Usually I can find all but one and then I ponder over the one that is missing for hours. Today I started at the top and they just popped out at me.
Wow, under a minute! AND I usually have to get my daughter’s help to find the last one. This one was really easy for me, for a change.
Have you ever thought of suggesting AMAC members submit pictures to become puzzles?
That sneaky cloud got me. Took forever to find it. Long time: 6:34 most of which was spent going over and over and over the same things until, SHAZAAM! There it was. The cloud must have been changing shapes…. as clouds tend to do, sometimes. My excuse. But, always fun.
1:28 no misses. I think that’s my best yet
wow. best ever. 1 min 7 sec.
1:38. Not too bad for a guy who usually only finds four