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1:12 These puzzles help keep my mind sharp.
So much history at this beautiful school along the Arkansas River, where canoeing was taught along with reverence for the Indians who had settled here between these 2 rivers. Wichita North High School was the 2nd high school built in Wichita, my alma mater where my mother, sister & brother all attended as well.
1:42 – Great way to spend a few minutes 🙂
Mail the trophy to my home address. I encourage all of you other players to never give up.
43 seconds
best time ever
.31 with a missed click that wasn’t
2:01 with four missed clicks because I couldn’t find the right point to click on the light post on far right of picture.
Thanks, It was fun. Easy but still fun.
23 sec must be one of the easiest as that time is way faster than my normal!
Let’s see if this posts…it wouldn’t yesterday. Score is not important.
:51 sec. Not bad considering how awful I did on my other puzzles.
1:20. Not great, but not so bad either. I’ve done a lot worse.
1:53 Took at least 53 secs. to find the 5th one.
Found ‘em all! This Spot the Difference was just right — not too hard and not too easy!
1:36 no missed clicks or reveals
1:53 no misses. The last one at the top was the hardest to find. Fun to do.
1:02. No misses, no reveals.
2:56 no reveals. good workout.
WOW ! I feel pretty stupid at a time of 2:38 with all theses folks doing it in under 30 seconds. Congratulations to you all !
1:18 This is a pretty good time for me. I do all of mine on my iPhone.
1:03. If it weren’t for the one so-called missed-click, I might’ve come in under a minute – well, maybe!!! These puzzles usually take me several minutes, so I liked this one, except for the off-center click-placement-requirement.
49 seconds . . without my glasses on!!!
Had to work for this one.
27 seconds – this really opens up my weekend from the old challenges!
1:36 with a missed click that wasn’t really a missed click.
29 seconds. Fastest time yet
Won’t share time as it was nothing to brag about. But didn’t do TOO bad — for me.
29 secs and no misses. I can hardly believe it.
34 seconds, no misses. Best ever for me..
1:45, fun today!
.56 Good one for me!!
28 seconds Good Morning
1:19 seconds and no reveals! These are always fun to do! Thank you!
2:49 no reveals. Always fun time doing it.
3:08 – no reveals
:26 Easier than most.
40 seconds
0:41. Nice change. LOL!
2:00 – I spent all my time looking around the bridge for ‘small’ things & then located the bush & then the tower.
55 seconds; best I’ve ever done on this type (FIND THE DIFFERENCE) puzzle!!
1:23 This was a cool one
:54 no help/misses, my best
36 seconds.
1:13 – not too shabby for me