Ice Skating
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I like these, but sometimes grrr.
oh my this was hard, had to cheat for 3 clues.
wow….subtle! found the first 4 in about a minute but finally had to get a clue for the last one that i am still having a hard time seeing 🙂 – could be my eyes but think this is a hard one
4:33 A tuff one.
1:18 with one reveal. Not bad on my phone. I got the first 4 quickly but needed a reveal for the window one. Still hard to see that one after the reveal. I’ll try again on my computer later.
6:40 no misses or reveals – tough
I think the pictures are too small now to do on my iPhone and the chat box covers part of the picture. That’s my excuse for today! 🙂
too hard for me, 2 reveals
4:29 the windows difference would not circle!
2:09 Pretty good for me.
3:45. This was a tough one, the window was hard to see.
16:13 never give in, never give up
3:10. 2 reveals. My focus is not good today; I just found out that my oldest son has COVID. I may try this puzzle again Saturday.
1;07 wow for me
I could not find the break or gap in the wire. It is amazing how one can skip over something right in front of your eyes. Good puzzle AMAC!
3:21. It took me over 1 minute looking for he 5th one. I finally used a reveal. Very tough to see differene in the window.
.39 for me
3:18, I need to do these on a larger screen than my little phone.
Would love to be able to do the quizzes. I am learning the “spot the difference,” but I still have trouble with the general knowledge in the quizzes.
Great Photo! Reminds me why I left Michigan 30 years ago! Happy Holidays everyone!
.18 fun
.27 Looks like a lot of fun
Why, oh why
did AMAC send me a link to this puzzle in two different e-mails today?
To the right of the top circle, the fourth window from the corner of the building and its reflection just below it are both clearly altered. But the circle shows a missing window to the left of that. So, there are a total of six differences in this puzzle.
:21 Wow!!
3:34 tough one – agree..
overly tricky! gave up after over 4 minutes and never saw the wire
3:16 with 3 reveals…too busy
3:07 no reveals
Tried again today after two previous attempts and used three reveals. I too am using my phone and cannot clearly define either the window nor wire. I clearly missed the flag missing in front of the right-hand building.
You finished in 3:55 2 reveals
Got all but the window difference. It was different but a lot less distinguishable. First time I’ve had to get a “reveal” on this puzzle. I’m sure it’ll happen again at some point.
I found the 4 actual differences, then used a reveal to see what else they said was different. Blowing up the circle I finally saw the window and wire difference. I do not count it. As far as I am concerned todays puzzle only had 4 differences. These non phone friendly puzzles are just “A holes” teasing senior citizens whose eyes are naturally deteriorating. A few more like this and I am just going to quit doing them. No sense if I don’t enjoy them.
2:18….one reveal, and still did not see the difference.
UGH, just UGH!!!
1.34. Back to counting windows, looking at window shades, counting people, looking to see who is wearing sunglasses, what color those sunglasses are, what color the skates are, how many men/women are in each picture, who is left/right handed, how many were born in a Leap year, blue eyes/brown eyes, are cold/not cold. Other than that, this was totally enjoyable. (sigh) Still, I’d rather be here, doing this, than sitting in any jail in Texas……..
Window and wire missing. Had to use a reveal to find it.
I skated there twice. First time with friends in 1972 or so. I was in 7th or 8th grade. Had roasted chestnuts for the first time. Skated there again in 2004 with my daughter’s 8th grade class. There was a couple from Australia there that day and the boy was proposing to the girl. I took pics for them and emailed them. Great day. Merry Christmas, folks.