History of Hanukkah
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52 seconds. They were jumping off the screen at me. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Hanukkah to all. Shopping is done for my grand children. Got a bag of charcoal, wrapping paper and bows for ALL of them. Due to the price of heating, their parents are looking forward to opening the presents.
I have celebrated many Chanukah. This is a beautiful time of the year. I have been hated because the Jews killed Christ or their true God is money. But the truth is Jews are hated because they were the first to advocate monotheism. The 10 Commandments are the foundation of western society. It has a moral code that is extremely important. I hope we survive this totalitarian assault on our freedoms.
When I was in Israel, I saw this. It was amazing and beautiful.
1:05 Not as difficult as I first thought it would be.
1:13, 1 missed click.
when I first saw this I thought it would be difficult, but guess my eyes are in sync today! 2:03 is great for me
1:10 – no misses! Happy Holidays to all!
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and, hopefully a much better New Year for everyone!!
Oh yeah…2:50, and for a first…NO MISSED CLICKS!!!
Happy Hanukah and Merry Christmas to you all-1:28 for me, but then again I’m not that smart!
41 seconds, no misses
1:31, no misses, no reveals – little slow at first, after finding the 2nd, he others fell in place. Merry Christmas & Happy New Years (just in case I forget later with all the business going on).
Wow! 37 seconds!! How did that happen?? ????
1.19 and 1 missed click
2:13 I was just about to give up when, whoo, I found it.
2:12 with no help. yesterday was about the same time but wouldn’t post…go figure.
Well I found all 5 differences. I’m not saying how long it took! But finding all five is a win for me. Can someone explain why this menorah not supports only six candles — nor eight?
1:33 one miss
3:31, 1 reveal – The middle candle difference is in the middle not where the circle is. That one is misplaced.
4:17 no misses. Details on the fence took the longest. Hard on the eyes but fun.
3:53 no misses – Since I am just getting into this, I feel very good with my timing ..
1:19 minutes and fun to do 🙂
1:32…had to use one reveal.
37 seconds. Three missed clicks. Par for the clicker.
Doesn’t the Hannukah menorah have 9 candles, 8 for the days and one for the lighting of the others?
2:24>>not a bad score!
done in 44 seconds. first time without any help.