Historical American Figures
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Listen my children and you will hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere…Looking at the artist’s rendition of the iconic figure, I noticed the horse’s powerful muscles and stature. Thinking the ‘real hero’ is the horse, carrying the riders to deliver a powerful message to the citizens nearby. No, I’m not going ‘crazy rogue’, just saying behind every great leader are those elements that make them heroes.
Paul Revere never in his life owned a horse. He had a series of mules, and after crossing the river, he borrowed a horse to get “The Minutemen” there in about half an hour or so. He also had 2 wives (in succession) 16 children, and spent a lot of long happy hours (out of the house) cutting wood for the winter. Many days he would cut so much wood, his mule couldn’t pull it up the hills, so he would get permission at several elderly couple’s homes to store it there, (He never picked it up) and acted like they were doing HIM a favor. He also was something of a Bob Hope look-a-like. Also a GREAT American.
Need to quit counting missed clicks until they can get more precise with them!
Well, for once, the SECOND most obvious one was the one that took me the longest. 4:04, to be exact.
3:37 no reveals. This was a tough one.
Lots to look at.
2.28 This was a tough one for me
7:59 No errors but a really bad time.
0:50 “The British are Coming”.
Great mental therapy. This is my first use since joining Amac.
1:03,without my cheaters. To bad the 16 year old girl that made the longest ride does not have a statue. She was the real hero,imo.
4:15 no misses, good eye exercise.
4:15 no misses. Goos eye exercise.
3:58. Gave up on a fence post…
I had to use a reveal…I agree that they shouldn’t count missed clicks. I had to click 1 three times before it gave it to me.
2:17 with no miss clicks. Took me awhile to find the last on, but by golly I surprised myself and found it.
0.37 seconds I thought they were obvious today.
3 min, 1 reveal
does anyone else’s game go all fuzzy so you can’t see the end!!
2:44 but, sadly 2 reveals.
49 sec. Easy for once.
2:44 with 1 reveal. Yesterday was 2:12
You finished in 1:53
2:39 Good one today.