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1:37, not bad for me.
3:12… no reveals. The shoe laces were my last find.
1:07. Good one.
1:41 Good for me!
1:04 very good time for me, I must be getting the hang of what and how to look.
1:26 no misses. Finally under 2 minutes, my best ever!!
‘+Excellent fun! Brother was one of the last hikers leaving the Grand Canyon in March (NPS was waiting for hikers to return and close GC); park rangers were waiting for his group to check in,,,and then for final hiker to check in.
Can you imagine being one of 7 hikers in the Grand Canyon, would it feel awesome or spooky?
(He loved it!)
0:58 Best time yet. I really enjoy these games and puzzles. Thank you.
26 seconds. Never happened before.
47 seconds, my best time yet. These sure are fun.
1:37 No misses
0:48, best ever yet. Kinda easy isn’t it?
1:04 I NEVER get this without having to get REVEAL. no misses either
1:08…Almost under a minute…???
1:52 1 miss.
5:12 Again, I always get 4 of them right away then takes me forever to get the 5th one. This time it was the hat. Like to do these though.
1:06, easier than usual or was I just lucky?
39 seconds – a record for me
1:12 no misses! It was easy.
0:54 I think that is my best time ever. Lost time looking in the middle of the picture.
47 seconds. Probably my best, but
I am really observant of hiking gear!
44 seconds. No misses. I doubt I can every do this ever good again, but I’m happy that I got all of them today! And…without my afternoon nap.
I’ve never done one this fast before. 30 seconds. How did that happen? And probably will never happen again!
33 seconds! My best by far.
This one was easy. :54, my best time yet.
34 seconds. Wahoo!
56…best time ever for me
1:01 Good exercise for observation skills!
1:13 whoo hooo, that was fun.
Did it in 40 seconds. No misses Woo Hoo
34 seconds! I’ve never gotten it this fast. Was either it tip top form this morning or this was easier puzzle.
Congratulations to all those who got their best time on this one. I took 0:43, but I actually had a better time a couple months ago. I wish I had kept a record of what the subject was on that one, because I’d like to try it again and see if I do as well, again.
1:10 today. I think this my best one. This one was a bit easier than some. I enjoy each of these each week! Happy Fall to all!
24secs a personal best. but I think credit goes to the puzzle.
55 seconds, my best ever.
1:03 happy with my time
24 seconds. Enjoyed yet another good spot the difference.
Ohhhh my gosh! 49seconds!!! My best time ever!! I absolutely love doing these! Keep sending these!
45 seconds. Last week I couldn’t find the 5th one for the life of me. Go figure!
1:21 with no misses. When you see them they are obvious, but searching is the fun. Almost got misled on the rope.
2:37. One reveal.
I like this puzzle. The items shown make sense for a hike, but I did wonder at a couple of things. Does the leather case contain a first aid kit or my last cigarette? If I filled my thermos with wine, why do I need the corkscrew?
i like it
You finished in 1:12
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1:01. Best time ever.
53 seconds, but this one seemed simple, so I ain’t braggin’ any. Sure do enjoy these, though. ‘Spot the Difference’ types have been a favorite since I was in grade school……60 some-odd years ago.
1L34 – one of my better puzzles!!!
1:25 – Wow, that’s the 2nd one I’ve done better on than normal. I’m sure it won’t last…..