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1:32 ***No reveals,4on the right side of the puzzle made it easy.
You click on the difference several times and no circle appears. About to give up on these; they used to be fun.
5:52 could be better.
1:26 with one miss. Kind of irritating when you click on something and it won’t circle it the first time.
Couldn’t get the 2 on the lower right to circle caused too many missed clicks. 4:30
2:43 Nothing to say that hasn’t already been said.
At first glance I thought it was going to take half an hour, then they started jumping at me. 1:21 one miss twice because two of the dogs(?) are missing, not one.
Fast and easy except that there are 2 statues at the bottom by the bushes. The circle only covers one of them. Clicked all around that one. Oh well. Still a fun game.
Yup, that got me too, but I eventually got them all. As dark as it was I was worried something would defeat my vision, but I got it.
52 seconds. Maybe my best. I also clicked the top statue and got nowhere until I clicked the lower one.
Boy one dog gives you a missed click and the other gets circled! Weird! 56 seconds
1:19 …2 miss
3 minutes on a beautiful photo. I love AMACs dedication to us mature conservatives. The articles are so insightful and honest, validating that my imagination is not ~ this administration really is every negative thing I think. Hang on til 2022 and pray for the changes we need. Best to you all, who make this a great site. Thanx.
58 seconds – WOW – that’s a record for me!
This one was difficult for some reason. I had missed clicks because of that extra dog.
far to criticle of click placements
2:05. One missed click on boy and dog? What’s up with that?
1:31 with one reveal. This was a hard one. I didn’t see the name of this place in France. It’s beautiful!
couldn’t believe the second dog wouldn’t click… got 7 missed clicks right there…
54 seconds. Quick for me. I, too, clicked on the extra dog.
I am getting tired of the sloppy way these puzzles are constructed. There were 6 errors and when I tried to touch on the second missing item in the lower rigt corner it would not accept my correct choice. If this keeps up, I will ditch this as it is a waste of time unless the puzzles are presented accurately.
PS, it would be nice if the pictures had captions.
2:49 was fun. I really love these.
look at the left side of the picture there are 2 figurines and you try to click on both and only one works, there are none on the other pic.
13 misses due to lack of puzzle not accepting my touches. This happens nearly every week.
1:01. My best time ever. I had 7 miss clicks, I just couldn’t get it positioned right. : (
3.22 and 3missed clicks tough one but still fun
1:47 Two missed clicks shown but like others have said, those were both wrong. Eventually your choice is accepted but it sure slows down your time when you keep clicking with no response!
46 seconds with 2 missed clicks. The 2 misses were actually good, but they didn’t get counted. POOH!
I like these puzzles, but in this one, one of the figures kneeling next to a bush is missing, but the puzzle won’t accept the “click.”
I agree with all the other commenters about second dog or whatever not accepting a click. We had something like this a number of weeks ago and it was two separate clicks. I still had a great time of 0:49.
It’s Versailles. Yes, frustrating when the puzzle is done poorly like this one.
There are two statues on the left hand side in the front. It would only accept one as being different.
What a crock this one was. I ended up with 12 missed clicks as I started from the top down clicking on differences. I got to the dog on the walkway looking at the bush and tried on both photos to get it to register. Figuring maybe there were 6 difference I scrolled lower and found the second dog that worked as a solution.
Someone needs to test these before they are published…
I usually enjoy these games – this one, not so much. See comments below and add my opinion to them.
need to work on that missed clic function. I clicked on a difference and it did not register so i had to click on the other one in the group.
the circles don’t “encircle” the difference and cause misses clicks when they were right on.
There are two figures on the bottom left side, but the puzzle would only accept one difference. Not true. Thanks. I enjoy your games, as well as your information.
Yeah this one is just a joke. You really need someone to edit these that knows what they are doing!!
1:05…but the frazzlin’ clicker is RIDICULOUS!!! I do enjoy these, but the aggravation isn’t worth the effort some days. Can’t someone check about this?!
1:34 no misses. I hope the rest of my day goes that well!!
clicked on upper right difference and it wouldn’t accept it?
finished in 2:42 with that misclick. (I know–Whaa,whaa!)
Agree. These should be evaluated / checked before sending out.
Enjoy the game…it’s all for fun… I get tired of reading everyone’s complaining. Going back into my hold…
get someone to fix the bad clicks!
the puzzle missed one!!!