La Belle France
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You finished in 1:22
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:42 Easy one today – still fun. Keep ’em coming!
.39 a good time for me.
:41 yay!
.36. Very nice picnic.
Wth! Must be a picnic for women. No meat, chips, dips, or beer. I dont know what the grill is for, maybe melting that hunk of cheese. Anyway, 47 seconds for me and I’ll be at the bar and grill any minute now. Yall have a good one!
1:58 Had a hard time with that last one. Haven’t been to a real picnic in quite a while. Looks inviting. Happy Wednesday, everyone.
1:29 no misses
32 sec. My fastest.
1:10… better than I have been doing!
0:26 Easy one today.
54 seconds
21 seconds! All time best.
1:12. I must need more coffee.
1:20…Missed the grapes for a while…
39 seconds
0:43 Great time. No misses
45 seconds with 3 missed click. However, the misses were caused by the screen not excepting spots that I clicked on that were the differences.
30 sec – no misses. Best EVER!
46 seconds my best
:23 secs, the one time they jumped out at me
:52 Not bad for my eyesight problems!!!
51 seconds. Oui Oui!
19 seconds love a picnic with wine any day of the week.
39 seconds. Pretty good for me. I haven’t been on a picnic in a long time.
:51 seconds
.51 Time for a picnic!!!
Real good time for me but it took me two days.
30 seconds yippee No misses or help
The grape got me. I just could not see it.
3:26, must be my worst. Was determined to not reveal, and when I finally spotted the 5th one, I realized that it was too obvious which is why it eluded me for so long.
13 seconds
1:34 I will take it. 4 were glaring stand outs to me, but I had to look harder for the last one.
10 seconds to find the first 4, then another 1:31 to spot the last one… Was on the verge of using a hint.
0:47 – has to be a record for me with my vision!
0:36…I am sure that is my fastest time ever.
:29 yippee! And unusual…
You finished in 0:24
Missed Clicks: 0
Reveals Used: 0
33 seconds, and the clicker needs work. AGAIN!
1:57 BUT had 1 reveal. Looking to hard and couldn’t spot the gold wine bottle, hidden in plain sight!!
.23 good one,..
1:15, no reveals, no missed clicks.
I like to play over and over until I get it down to a few seconds. Practice makes it easier and easier. 5 seconds on this one was easy after a few tries. Some are so dark or cannot tell what is going on so I skip them. The lighter ones are more fun and of course easier!!!!!!