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I do not see differences in two of the circles!
3:33… pretty subtle on a few of those. As slow as I was, I liked this one.
a real toughie for me, too dark and murky to see one of them
The leg and chest shadows are extremely difficult to spot. This will too tough for most.
1:55, no reveals. Definitely trouble distinguishing differences in the darkness.
Well I sucked at that one.
2:43 Shadows were tough to see.
1.46 for me.
Way too dark…. Only found 3 w/o reveals. I have to admit I wasn’t very patient either!
Great puzzle! I found it difficult but I did find all 5 differences. Keep up the good work in developing challenging puzzles.
1:16…Got stumped on that one around the leg.
Actually, there is no difference in the shadow of the shirt. There is a difference in the tattoo!
15 secs. This was an easy one for me.
16 seconds!
2:41 with 3 missed clicks and two reveals.
40 seconds. MEH.
10 seconds
After finding 4, I spent a while looking for the 5th. At that point, 1:14 had elapsed. When I finally spotted the fifth. my total was 3:42. I very nearly gave up, but hung in there with no reveals.
What is different between now and the last time AMAC sent this puzzle?
It is a repeat.
:35. Had trouble with the tats.
This puzzle made me feel dumb.
1:53 ha ha with 3 reveals
Why are the circles NEVER centered on the missing thing?
4:50 for me – but no misses or reveals. had trouble finding the one behind the knee.
25 seconds…even the clicker worked for me today. I’m shocked. SHOCKED!
The blue guy’s right arm was my hard on where I had to peek
2:48. Did a reveal on the final one by the knee.
1:49 2 reveals. At least this puzzle wasn’t messed up like word search and quiz..
1:59 with no help!