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1:17. This one was easier for me. I do enjoy these puzzles.
1:07. Good one.
1:48 — Not bad at all. At first glance I thought it would be more difficult.
?these puzzles.
4:05…. I even needed a reveal for the first time!! Maybe I do need to get my eyes checked again! ? ?
1:46 not too bad…. I must have my eyes more open this morning
Wish I could see both pictures at the same time. And I wish the red Chat box would go away while playing. I play on an iPhone and can’t see much at once, especially when part is covered by something else.
1:37 no misses
45 sec
4:22 not very good today.
You finished in 2:09
I had to use reveal 2 times, when revealed I could only see the 2 when enlarged on myour “smartphone “. The other 3 were relatively easy.
1:08 yippee! No missed clicks….. and Many Thanks AMAC for keeping my mind sharp and engaged.
1:51 and 1 miss.
Had to use a reveal only to find out it was right were I thought it would probably be. Argh….
42 secs
1:44. The two ‘missed clicks’ happened because the bottom of the puzzle was covered by an annoying pop-up.
1:32 and no misses. My best yet
I found this puzzle to be very challenging. Thanks AMAC. I enjoy the spot the difference puzzles since they require great focus and concentration. Sometimes it is more difficult to see something right before your eyes.
2:50, and no misses and no reveals. My best yet. Quite proud, despite many of you doing so much better than that. You are exceptional.
2:27 I’ve done worse
I enjoy these “Find the Difference” games. Challenging. 2:14 this time..not as good as some of you but better for me…
1:33 ……the one in the far back took me forever.
First time I have had to give up and use the “reveal”. I still don’t see the difference in the one I missed. Love these!
31 sec. One of my best.
1:59 – no misses, no reveals. 🙂 fun one! Very challenging.
You finished in 0:35
Missed Clicks: 0
Reveals Used: 0
4:28 and no misses. I just about gave up on finding the fifth one but saw it finally
1:40 Not as good as most of you, but it’s my best yet.
51 seconds, luck of the Irish!! Really like these games, Keep them coming!
Guess too many of us commented that the last one was easy!!! I couldn’t find the last one – had to reveal it…and there it was right in front of me~
1:23 not too bad I guess. Fun as usual!
5:25. I also found it challenging and surrendered, using two reveals.
1:15 with no missing. Not my best, but not bad. I do love these puzzles as well as AMAC.
The white square sign on the first turbine was difficult.
:59 Is by far my best score!!
1:35 Finally one that didn’t take me forever:)
3:43 Tough to find that last one!!
22 seconds last week, but 2;53, today. Go figure. Had 2 that were avoiding me, this time. Finally found both, pretty close together, time wise, so I can’t say which one was hardest.
Yikes, 3:51 for me. I got the first 4 quickly and kept looking around the front of the picture for my last one to click. Finally found it, without a reveal. One of my worst times! But loved the challenge and had fun!
For some reason this was easy for me! Unusual but I will take it! :53!!
!:41 A couple seconds faster than last week.
1:46 No misses no revels.My best yet
I like these puzzles because they force my brain to think!
1:51….a miracle I find them all, and the clickers worked the first time!
0:20 One of my best times
Very challenging
This one was tough!! 3+minutes and finally needed a reveal. Really like these games