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:48 They’re getting easier or I’m getting better
1:45 not too bad….
1:29, easy.
1.27 for me yea
Thirty nine seconds. Way too easy.
:29! Way too easy today. Or, I’ve turned genius!
Wow! 1:19 … that is great for me. No doubt others will say they did it in 30 seconds. lol
1:59. One reveal. This was pretty simple.
1:39 As usual the last one took to long to find and cost me the under 1 min. mark.
I’ll just try again next week!
Enjoyed the puzzle. I find spot the difference puzzle most rewarding.
This one was especially fun for some reason, Thank you. I also, enjoy Spot the Difference
Slower than everbody else so far. My eyes were playing games with me. (Sounds good anyway). Regardless of speed, they’re ALWAYS fun. Thanks AMAC!!
1:11 These sweet pictures always make me hungry. Love them!
:30 My fastest time ever. But, I got charged for a missed click that should not have been a missed click. I clicked on the exact spot where an object was missing, but it didn’t accept. I had to go to the other picture and click on the object there. Generally, the area that acknowledges a missing item is too small in most of these games. You can hit right in the center and it will not register.
Oh yeah baby !You finished in 0:58 Stats:
Missed Clicks: 0
Reveals Used: 0
3:29 My excuse today: I was eating some candy and a spot showed on the coffee cup in the picture and I, of course, thought it was one of the mistakes. That threw me off. My congrats to all you speedy people.
Gingerbread is so good! I use to make it at Christmas time with the children when they were young. We’d decorate them and then hang them on the tree and eat them with breakfast Christmas morning. The smell and taste brings back memories.
1 minute!! WhooHoo. Right after I finished finding all the differences, I had to go get a cookie and a cup of coffee!????
You finished in 0:51
Missed Clicks: 0
Reveals Used: 0
36 seconds
25 seconds, way too easy.
2:10 regardless if other say easy puzzle or difficult puzzle, I seem to hit about the same time.
can only see the left side picture????
Well, butter my butt and call me biscuit!! By far my best time…I needed that. (25sec.)
1:10 – ’bout average for me
32 seconds – pretty good for an old lady 🙂
.55 = The best I’ve ever done (must’ve been too easy.) No missed clicks & 0 reveals used.
I love the spot the difference puzzles!!!! :31 so much fun
2.25. fun
1:24,not bad for me
50 sec must have been an easier puzzle this week ! Love them !
23 seconds. My best ever!
Best time ever! :29 seconds! Too easy! Lol
1:44. After finding two missing chocolate stars, I looked for more, but couldn’t find one. Found 2 other differences and finally spotted the missing 3rd chocolate.
:32 best one for me !!
1:22 not bad at all
2:07 No misses. I had a hard time finding the last one.
I love the Spot the Difference game the most. Always play it first before any other. Thank you for providing the challenge.
54 seconds – no misses.. my best time ever… yippee
1:00 Easy one.
17 seconds. My eyes must be working very good this morning.
24 seconds!
16 seconds…wow, never had that before. It’s always fun!
You guys and girls are fast! I thought I was doing good at 1:12
You finished in 1:04
Missed Clicks: 0
Reveals Used: 0
One of my better scores. So much fun. Thanks for the games.
0:42. I thought that was good. Then I saw some of your times. Oh well, they’re always fun.
58 seconds no missed clicks no reveals
My best time ever!! Must be the subject matter! LOL
46 sec thank you…