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0;40 Pretty easy one today.
Much better then last week.
58 seconds. One of my best.
1:12..Good timing for me. Happy ‘hump ‘ day everyone.
55 seconds
just 21 seconds for me.
1:13 Not bad! But I wasted a lot of time looking at the cinnamon rolls – just KNEW there had to be something there!
1:09 not the magical under 1 min. mark ….. but close enough.
52 seconds. I eat brunch every day, not breakfast and not lunch just brunch and dinner.
1:22 Not bad. Just one missed click because my cursor wasn’t on the proper spot.
This week of Brunch pictures has me hungry every day, lol!
0:35 seconds … Hey, it was about food …(don’t judge me!)
43 seconds…. When I’m doing the puzzles this week, I feel that my breakfast is inadequate! (-;
30 seconds, not to bad for me.
21 seconds.
1:06 Excellent time for Mr. Magoo
Found 3 of 5. Used reveal to end game. Learned I overlooked the strip off bacon or what ever it is. I still am not able to see any difference in the strawberry. Great puzzle. Will look at the strawberry later when I have more time.
41 seconds
1:36, no missed clicks, no reveals, no starting over to beat time.
:52 Great for me…now I need to go eat lunch!
Will not let me click on
:35 as i was salivating.
Why was I staring at the bacon, and cinnamon rolls.
:33 seconds with no reveals or helps. Chow down!
54 seconds. I can tell by everyones time that we all know how to eat!!!
27 seconds–da champ
1:31; one reveal.
1:06 All by myself!!
38 seconds no reveals. I am crediting bacon for this.
Too easy.
28 seconds. I amazed myself
33 seconds, my fastest ever.
1:55. That last one got me again. I want one of one those sweet rolls !
5:33 with three missed clicks (tapped too high on the missing spoon handle) but can’t recall the other two. Honestly, I can’t see the difference in the strawberry on the right side of the image and so used a reveal to find it.
1:01 no reveals or missed clicks. Wasn’t sure about the fifth one but I click it and yes it was a difference. Fun game today
:46. Just shows how much food gets my attention!
:41. I’m always good with food! LOL!
.51 Yay!
Same pic as the link in the earlier e-mail
Same differences as earlier puzzle
Why no difference?
:38 Don’t be playin’ wit my food man! LOL
I admire those who can recognize similar or same puzzles. Guess I am not that sharp. Sure got hungry looking for that fifth difference.
22 seconds with 1 missed click; had the right item just didn’t hold my tongue right and hit the right spot. Surprised myself, I often need several minutes and sometimes take a reveal.
.48 seconds. Easier than some. Fun.
58 seconds.
.38, much too easy.
Whoot, Whoot! Thirty seven seconds!!! I found all the differences before I even saw the whole picture.
:55 I am happy