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1:07*** Hard to see all those in the pink
1:54 not too bad.
1:49 Pretty good for a deplorable individual such as myself.
2:25 with 1 reveal. Couldn’t see that last one in the pink.
3:39 took a while to see the 3rd foot on the bird.
2:02 was outstanding. Finally found the three legged bird.
wow 1:44 min – no reveals – did good on this one
WOW! :19 Best ever for me!
3:04; 2 reveals. Just about everything on the tree looked identical.
‘@:41 and 1 missed click..The third leg delayed me, seem normal to me,
4.12 Hard one for me, but keeps me on my toes
2:38 with one reveal. Couldn’t find the pink flower on the left.
2:28 with one reveal, also the pink flower on the left
2:19 no misses, good for me
3:13 Fun. I like these. Thanks again AMAC.
1:44 w/2 missed clicks
1:37 1 miss…it didn’t like where I clicked the pink petal in the top right. Fun puzzles…lotta pink!
I hate this!
3:03 I need to do this in the house…hard to see with my sunglasses on!
1:36 no misses, a good one for me!
2:38 About my standard time.
Poor baby bird, the subject of two hidden changes…and his buddies none! Thanks AMAC, pretty picture of the cherry blossoms and the babies!
2:04 – I’m either getting better at this or this was an easy one. And I don’t really think I’m getting any better at this!
Very poor performance. Four missed clicks and two reveals (both flowers) used with a time of 6:25 after pausing to accompany my granddaughter to the “computer room” for her to play on her computer. Do I get any credit for doing the puzzle on my phone vs laptop? LOL. Just kidding. Pretty photo of the birds and blooms.
1:10 Tough puzzle….
3:51 185 missed clicks
:33 Loved the birds and cherry blossoms
2:01 and gave up on that last flower center thing.. grrr ha ha
had to use a reveal
I won’t do thes on my phone again! ????
Why is this puzzle entitled “Birds”? It should be titled “Cherry Blossoms.” Yes, this was not one to do on your phone!
1:35 lucked out finding some so quickly. Love the birds
2:48, thanks to the infamous ‘flower on the left’. STILL enjoyed the puzzle…..
:21 seconds!!!
bird on right side has eyes closed in one pic
1:07. Seems I always get the first three immediately, have to hunt for the last two.
After clicking on the OBVIOUS difference in the upper right hand corner 7 TIMES to no avail I just quit in frustration.
over 7 minutes, then I had to ask to reveal the 5th difference “top center”! sheeeeesh!!!