April Showers
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I have a visual search icon that shows up in the upper right corner of the picture that will not allow me to click on the difference!
57 sec. Easy for once.
1:46, Not bad for only having one good eye!
God Bless America!
Thanks AMAC! A beautiful spring photo; I can hear the children laughing as they wait for this picture to be taken!
:49. I like the boots matching the children’s coats. Beautiful colors.
Boy, was my face red! 2:21, while so many others were under a minute. 6 clicks to find the right spot on the dark blue raincoat, but not much wasted time there. My problem, after finding the loop difference on the blue boot, was finding the loop difference on the pink boot.
26 seconds. Cute picture.
0:47 Another easy one.
I had to hit one a few times before it gave it to me…
1:51. Top right had a hard time getting the puzzle to accept my click. there was a some type of box over the difference and when I clicked on either pic nothing would happen. after about 5 – 6 try’s it took the click. weird! No missed clicks though…
48 seconds. AND the frazzlin’ clicker worked today. Shocker.
1:14, amazing how the time is shorter when the clicker works.
58 sec
24 seconds, 1 missed click
1:31 Glad to get an easy one!
41 seconds!!
l played this game twice and legitimately missed the button on the blue sleeve during the first round. I clicked repeatedly on both images in the first round but could not get the missing closure on the far right raincoat to highlight. It WAS revealed when I gave up after nearly five minutes. Was successful in highlighting the missing closure on the second round.
:35 seconds – my best EVER!
48 seconds
31 seconds! Whooohooo!
.47 and one misses click
1:11 I really didn’t want to give up the last difference
59 seconds COOL
29 seconds. My fastest time ever! 3:29 yesterday.
55 seconds – a new record for me
56 secs. Two weeks in a row under a minute.
Got lucky again.
40 seconds old brain must be working good today.
52 sec. Waiting for the usual marathon. A bit too easy…