Air Force
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Wow, 32 seconds!! They jumped off the screen at me. My uncle Luigi was chief of a ground crew for a B-17. That plane flew almost every day for 2-3 years, and always came back. Sometimes it looked like flying hunk of swiss cheese, they’d patch it up for the next day. One time the belly gunner was killed in the turret, and they had to scoop him out and use a hose to get out all the blood. Thank God that such men lived. He told me many stories about his work in the war.
3:25 couldn’t find the top window.
You can see this beautiful girl at the National Museum of the Air Force in Dayton Ohio
1:17 and it was the top window that I hung up on, too.
This plane appears to be a Boeing B-29. My father spent much of WWII maintaining this aircraft at the Base in Pyote, Texas. Lots of grease and bruised knuckles. Everyone have a good day!
1:26 seconds. This was fun! Thank you to all Veterans who served!
2:39 top window is almost impossible.
Still don’t see the turret difference. Vertical picture makes it harder on Ipad.
I liked this one. Took 1 min. 30 secs. Not too much detail. Some puzzles are way too complicated with too much detail, which makes it harder to locate the differences.
1:02. Clicker even worked!
1:03 no misses. Seen the movie 3 times and they flew with guts.
2:13 the turrit still is not visible on my phone!
1:34 w/ no assistance. Beautiful picture…Army Air corp. At least today, I can post it.
4.02 slow today
1:07 no missed clicks or reveals
1:09 no misses. Fun to do.
Thank you! Enjoyed it my Father was Air Force, hold special place in my heart. He was a Jet Propulsion Mechanic. Died at 22 years old of leukemia & Hodgkin’s Disease. He was a very wonderful man. Good memories together watching the seals on Sunday afternoons.
2:38 and no misses. Worked carefully on the last item to choose.
2:25 however I had 1 reveal. I still don’t see any difference in the turret. Oh well. I did have the honor of seeing her in person, a while back in Dayton!
4.18 Not to swift tonight .
200 fastest yet!!
1:02. I will take it.
1:40 with no reveals, no misses.
1:09. My easiest ever!
The Memphis Belle used to be on display on Mud Island in Memphis. But….for some reason the city leaders got rid of it, decided to spend money elsewhere.
:59. Seemed easy, and I was certain I was well under a minute, but not by much, as it turned out.
Beauty of a plane!
1:48….. The plane is a B-17. Love the nose art.
1:50 The last one took me awhile, but finally found it.
1:26 no misses or reveals, one of my better ones
1:45..1:45..Halfway to the weekend. You guys have a blessed day
1:18 no misses!
0:51 No misses No reveals.
Not bad for me! no reveals or misses.
2:11 – no misses or reveals.
52 seconds. This is a B-17G but not the original Memphis Belle which was a B-17F.
.31. So now we’ve gone from too hard to too easy. How about somewhere in the middle?