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Wow the burned-out light and the missing emblem/logo all in the same circle….. They really need some help with these!!!
There was a sixth “difference” in this picture. There was a missing clock? and right below that was a burned out light. Did anyone else notice this?
Hi Gary, I did see the light out.
Also if one doesn’t click at a very specific point then one must click again causing extra points. It is not always clear even upon second try just where the click should be.
But the burned out light — for sure!
:32, that was the best ever for me!
13 seconds….definitely a personal best!
0:23 Definately my best on “Differences”
22 seconds…..a few glitches in this one, though. Still no missed clicks. A miracle…..
54 sec. One mis-hit.
39 seconds. Not too bad.
1:40. Isn’t it great to remember when you were young?
1:15 Found 4 right away, that last one was a booger. Remember going to the Summers Rexall Drug Store for a burger and shake after school almost every day.
0:50..Easy one today
There is also a light that is out in 1, but not the other…
There is a mistake in this puzzle. There is one burned out light and right above that is a “clock” that isn’t in both pictures.
2:20 But I missed one I overlooked!
i kept hitting on the green seat but nothing would happen, and my screen kept jumping up and down. Very frustrating!!!
Dang! :36 clean…
I think when you get used to how they “differences” , it becomes easier.
47 seconds. A nice 50s nostalgic restaurant, though the baby high chairs look modern. I don’t remember the 50s, except for a few vague memories as a 2 or 3 year old. I was born in the late 50s.
.37 seconds. My best ever!
took FOREVER to see the fountain drink levers!!! FEEEEEEWY
:24 This was an easy one.
1:49 not bad for a turtle
34 seconds
30 sec. – good result for me & my phone. Accidentally touched screen an hit a difference. Go figure. I’m feeling a lot of frustration today with election results.
1:11. This was pretty easy.
:26 – one of my best times…love these puzzles!
Not too bad. 1:24.
1:45 A good time for me!
I still can’t see the difference in the seats. Not fair for us color-blind people. I agree with those who talk about the light being out.
Cannot find the 5th one. How do you find reveal??????? Thanks! Betty
Reply to Sherry – I was a teen then and I don’t remember a high chair at all. It would not have been “cool.”
I can’t get the clicker to work on the light that’s not lit, probably because it’s in the middle of another difference.
29 seconds! Yee Haw!
1:21 yeah me!!!!!!!
you missed one, I clicked on the light below the missing speaker. One light is on and the other is out.
2:38 A little tough to find the last one — back counter
1:36 surprise for me
1:54 with one reveal – 🙁
47 seconds, almost missed the two that nearly overlap.
38 seconds, one of my best by far!
You finished in 0:58
This was an easy one at 0:56 seconds. Always look forward to doing these!
:41, Surprise! despite the fact that I have to move the picture in order to see the bottom half.
38 seconds
35 seconds here.
0:49. No reveals