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Wilderness Survival Quiz

Posted Thursday, February 28, 2019 | 35 Comments
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Wilderness Survival Quiz

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5 years ago

Got 11 out of 13! Maybe I would be Ok outdoors but playing a quiz and actually experiencing the things mentioned are two different things right?

5 years ago

9/13. I might would a a chance of surviving the wilderness.

5 years ago

Why would you not build a tee-pee? I had always heard that burying yourself in dirt is dangerous because the ground can freeze, it can get wet, leaves you open to predators, etc., but covering yourself in leaves was better (camouflage, air between leaves provides good insulation, etc.).

5 years ago

10/13. I don’t think I’d fair that well though. I would get frost bite. I’ll stay home, thank you very much.

greg macdougal
greg macdougal
5 years ago

13 out of 13. Born and raised in the Adirondack Mts, Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Eagle Scout, Mountain climbing, Adventure Hiking, Deer hunting, and Camping . . .To this day I never take anything for granted, always have a plan, safety/emergency first aid gear, and ALWAYS tell someone where I’m going, the trail/path I plan on taking (always sign the trail log in sheet), and approx. time of my return. (don’t depend on a cell phone as coverage may be very limited or non-available).
5 years ago

Make this android phone ready. Too difficult. Now.

5 years ago

Sorry, but if I’m building a shelter I am going to choose a naturally sheltered land feature to protect me from the elements over an open dry space that requires more work and has more exposure. I guess that’s just my perspective.

5 years ago

Why is cotton, a natural fiber, a bad choice for the Adirondack mtns?

A comment on a comment – A massive teepee has too much space to heat and keep heated in an emergency. I think “massive” is the word that determines this answer.

Suzan Douglas
Suzan Douglas
5 years ago

The worst fabric to wear while hiking in the Adirondacks is COTTON??? My answer was Polyester. Can someone please explain? The “correct” answer makes no sense. Thanks

5 years ago

The “non-poisonous” question could have been clearer. I chose Stinging Nettle because it is edible, therefore, in my mind not poisonous.

Elizabeth Burt
Elizabeth Burt
5 years ago

9 of 13. I would probably be found after the snows cleared. I prefer a nice hotel with café, bar, pool and hot tub.

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
5 years ago

11 out of 13…maybe I’d survive ? I was a Girl Scout back in the day when they taught stuff like that ?

5 years ago

Which is the worst fabric to wear when hiking in the Adirondacks? Why is cotton the worst fabric to wear in the Adirondacks?

David Borchert
David Borchert
5 years ago

covering yourself with dirt would absorb body heat and make you colder unless the dirt was warm. Building a large teepee would not help with cold but could block the wind. The teepee wouldn’t have any negative effects like the dirt could have.

Lee Glidewell
Lee Glidewell
5 years ago

10 of 13? Not bad I guess. I kept looking for an additional option on #5. Hint: shoot the squirrel for dinner when you get home!

5 years ago

9 out of 13 so I guess I am not ready for the wild.

5 years ago

13 out of 13. Guess a few decades of camping, fishing and hunting paid off here.

Donna B.
Donna B.
5 years ago

13 out of 13.…..Born and raised in Alabama .
Country girl enjoys put doors and will survive

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