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Tropical Vacation

Posted Friday, November 13, 2020 | 36 Comments
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Tropical Vacation

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4 years ago

Tasmania is an island state of Australia, not New Zealand. I got it correct only because New Zealand was the closest to correct.

4 years ago

7/10 I guess that’s not too bad.

Rich D
Rich D
4 years ago


4 years ago


Sherry Ware
Sherry Ware
4 years ago

I looked at these questions and knew I didn’t know much about this subject so I just went and researched first. According to the internet, Tasmania is part of Australia, not New Zealand. Somebody’s mixed up. Oh, well, I learned some geography today. My 10/10 score doesn’t count because I studied before taking the quiz?! Lol. I’m a retired elementary school teacher but we didn’t teach this much world geography in 5th grade.

4 years ago

10/10, but a couple were guesses.

Dianne Toledo
Dianne Toledo
4 years ago

7/10 ok, I guess.

Kathy Jefford
Kathy Jefford
4 years ago

9/10 Enjoy all the games and appreciate using memories, experiences, and deductions to answer.

ye ole Retired Ranger Mark
ye ole Retired Ranger Mark
4 years ago

Every tourism bureau and travel agency wants to use the superlatives that will set them apart. Highest Mountain island peak in the world, when measured from the base of the mountain to its top, is Mauna Kea, which is also the highest volcano and mountain in the world if measured from its entire bulk and not just the part that starts at sea level where other mountains have the continental advantage. I always enjoy the puzzles and quizzes, and join with the previous posters that the Aussies and Kiwis already have enough trying to keep the Up-Over populations from confusing their countries without starting conflict over who gets Tasmania…. <|; ) [rangersmile]

June J Turner
June J Turner
4 years ago

I’ve been to Tasmania and it was definitely off the southern coast of Australia. Unless it up and moved since December 2018. Still got 10/10.

4 years ago

Questions 7 and 9 have incorrect answers. 7 is mona kea and 9 is australia.

Fred Roach
Fred Roach
4 years ago

Whoever writes these quizzes got some studying to do.

Robert S.
Robert S.
4 years ago

I am getting tired of the problems with this game. I click on an answer and it tells me I haven’t, even though the screen shows that I have chosen an answer.

4 years ago

10 of 10 but I won’t be taking any “Tropical Vacation” to Greenland”

Nancy Evans
Nancy Evans
4 years ago

Yesterday, I got 3/10… today I got 10/10! Remembered well. lol. Happy weekend!

4 years ago

Been to New Zealand, Tasmania, and Australia. Tasmania is part of Australia and a hell of a long way from New Zealand.

4 years ago

I also chose New Zealand because it is closest to Australia. Having traveled around Tasmania with some Australian friends, I knew that Tasmania was not part of New Zealand. You can do better than this!

4 years ago

Love the quizzes!

4 years ago

First time I got all of them right!! Had to guess on two and used the maps in the back of my study Bible for the correct answer to another.

Roger Donald Quarton
Roger Donald Quarton
4 years ago

Question Number Nine doesn’t have the correct answer! It says that Tasmania is a part of New Zealand, when, if fact, it’s a state in Australia. Just wanted to point that Fact out! ~ Roger

4 years ago


Edward T Curtis
Edward T Curtis
4 years ago

8 out of 10 is not too bad who has only been out of the country twice on cruise on cruise ships and once just across the border into Tijuana.

4 years ago

8/10 -agree – questioned a few.

4 years ago

I’m positive that Tasmania is off the coast of Australia.

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