Octopuses Question 1 out of 13Octopus have no bones. True False You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 2 out of 13How many species are in the order Octopoda? 511 289 456 347 You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 3 out of 13Octopus comes from the Greek word októpus. What does the Greek word mean? Four Legs Nine Thumbs Eight Foot Twelve Arms You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 4 out of 13Octopus have an exceptional sense of ________? Taste Sight Smell Touch You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 5 out of 13What is the protein called in Octopus blood that make the appearance blue instead of red? Hemocyanin Fibrinogen Hemoglobin Macroglobulin You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 6 out of 13How many hearts does an octopus have? Two One Four Three You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 7 out of 13What is the name of an octopus’s appendages? Legs Arms Tentacles Wriggles You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 8 out of 13Which general statement is untrue of an octopus’s life span? Overall, the lifespan is relatively short The larger the octopus, the longer it may live Overall, the life span is relatively long The females reproduce once and then die You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 9 out of 13What happens to a female octopus after reproduction? She dies after caring for her eggs She finds a new mate She raises her young She swims for thousands of miles You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 10 out of 13In which environment does an Octopus live? Fresh Water Both fresh and salt water Salt Water Hot Springs You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 11 out of 13How far back does the oldest known octopus fossil date? 96 million years ago 196 million years ago 396 million years ago 296 million years ago You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 12 out of 13When an octopus loses an arm, what is most likely to occurs? The octopus automatically dies It regenerates a new one The arm will regrow another octopus It creates a starfish You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 13 out of 13Which statement is true of an octopus’s intelligence? They are intelligent problem solvers They have simple nervous systems They are unintelligent Their brains are useless and do not function You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit Answer Subscribe to AMAC Daily News and Games Email If You Enjoy Games Like This - Subscribe to the AMAC Daily Newsletter! It's easy and FREE Subscribe Today! First Name Last Name Email *By providing your email address and subscribing, you agree to allow AMAC to send you "Join AMAC" emails, if you are not already an AMAC Member. Share Read more articles by The Association of Mature American Citizens Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label Name* Email* Label Name* Email* 31 Comments Most Voted Newest Oldest Inline Feedbacks View all comments LJ Larsen 4 years ago How can they have a long life span if they both die after mating? Mark Tanaka-Sanders 4 years ago Question #11 is a no-win proposition. None of the answers are correct. Just because we’re old doesn’t mean we don’t read or keep up with real science. As any scientist who uses the Scientific Method (and what other type of science is there?) knows, fossils don’t come with age and date tags. They have to be interpreted by humans, with no scientific information, nothing Observed, nothing Repeatable, Verifiable, Testable, etc. as required by science compared to philosophy. There is no scientific information showing any fossil to be 296 Million years old or what might have caused fossilization of creatures that lived before that. So much in the subject of Origins has to do with the starting point of one’s thinking based upon their World View. As people of an organization purporting to be faith based, faith defending and God loving, as for me and my house, we start our World View with the God, Creator and Savior of the Bible which explains Origins in the first chapters. Gail Berry 4 years ago Obviously, I know next to nothing about these creatures. 4/13. LauraC 4 years ago Looks like I have a lot of reading to do. What exactly fossilized on a creature with no bone structure at all? I can see it in insects as they have an external carapace, but an octopus? Lots of what passes for science now is taking a theory and magically making it a fact. Kind of like politics—if you just keep repeating something, no matter how unproven it is, it magically becomes true. All that said, I’ve always loved octopuses and am fascinated by their problem solving abilities. Dianne 4 years ago 9/13 good guessing! Dave 4 years ago Got 8 right. Coincidence? demarree1 4 years ago 9 out of 13 Mostly guesses Shandahon 4 years ago 5/13..yeah I’m with Gail…..hahahaha Ray 4 years ago 6/13 and everyone a guess. Right there with Gail and Shandahon. Joy 4 years ago From what I Have read, octopuses have a relatively short life. You should check your source. J.Clark 4 years ago There are freshwater octopi in North America check your sources. There is no way to date an octopus fossil as you have done it is not verifiable. The question about lifespan is a relative opinion answer or an actual fact-the actual fact answer is that the female dies after laying eggs and caring for them. Not that any of this really matters but perhaps a scientific question series should be reviewed by scientists in the future before publishing. Sandra 4 years ago Guess someone took the weekend off since this is the third day we’ve had the same game. Oh, well – happy weekend! william agliano 4 years ago I thought octopi was the plural of octopus Byron 4 years ago are these questions proof-read? by someone who is familiar with the English language?! Barbara 4 years ago 11/13 we spent a couple days visiting ODYSSEY in Scottsdale. Don’t believe 289 million years…. Steven 4 years ago Apparently I know squat about Octopus’s. wolverine70 4 years ago Learned something from this one. Truth Manhattan 4 years ago 8/13. Blind squirrel, acorns, etc., etc. Pat R 4 years ago Coronavirus and octopi? I dare anyone to make the connection…. Sable 4 years ago Perfect Score!!! Of course it was the second time to play…first time was 9 of 13. Fun facts…I learned a lot! Fincy 4 years ago Got 9 out of 13. I didn’t know they were intelligent problem solvers. Don’t underestimate an octopus I would say! Carol 4 years ago 13 of 13 wpDiscuz310Would love your thoughts, please comment.x()x| ReplyInsert Login Login Join Renew Member Benefits Newsline Member Benefits Advocacy Our Actions About Advocacy Issues Get Involved Weekly Update Annual Report Find Your Representative AMAC App Better for America Podcast Book Club AMAC Blog FAQ About Us Overview Our Team Our Stance on Key Issues Magazine Medicare Games Voice Your Opinion in AMAC Polls AMAC in the Media AMAC Action AMAC Foundation Social Security Guarantee Prime Directives Brief Prime Directives Details Sweepstakes Contact Advertise with AMAC Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy