New York City
- Question 1 out of 10
Who designed the Empire State Building?
- Question 2 out of 10
Which New York building and tourist attraction was the headquarters of Lex Luthor in the movie ‘Superman’?
- Question 3 out of 10
In 1930 which was considered the largest building?
- Question 4 out of 10
By what name is 6th avenue also known as?
- Question 5 out of 10
What building was called the “Eighth World Wonder” when it was built in 1931?
- Question 6 out of 10
Which is the longest running Broadway Show?
- Question 7 out of 10
The largest art museum in the Western Hemisphere is in NYC, what is its name?
- Question 8 out of 10
The largest borough in New York City is?
- Question 9 out of 10
When was the Brooklyn bridge built?
- Question 10 out of 10
What famous statue was shipped from France in 350 pieces and assembled in New York?
5/10 Oh well. Doesn’t really bother me.
I didn’t do very good on this one, at all. 4/10
6/10 I only got these right from watching TV and movies about New York. The Newsies helped me with the one about The Brooklyn Bridge.
5/10….No offense to you New Yorkers but I wouldn’t want to live there!
3/10 Been there several times, and couldn’t stand it. Up state is a much better place. I could spend a week just watching the water at the drippy place around Buffalo.
I guessed 5 times correct, I knew #10 (who doesn’t). But honestly, I don’t care about New York, never going to visit, and I want New York and California kicked out of the Union.
5/10 I don’t feel bad at all.
5/10 won’t be going there anytime soon.
6/10, not a good day for New York, or not a good day for me.
6/10 never been and most likely, never will.
5/10 never been and sure never want to go there
7/10. I was there once before it went to s***.
8/10 originally from New York ( Long Island )…But left in 1968 and never went back. I think the place is for the wacky squad. Look at what
they elected to run the city and state…!!! The city has become a cesspool,
3/10. I’m from Texas, not up on Yankee land.
6 out of 10 although not from NY thought I should have done better. missed the easy ones and got the ones i thought i missed enjoy doing these puzzles whenever i can.
4/10, but I have no interest in New York City or anything about it.
7 out of 10. I made some good guesses…
9/10 and I’ve only been to NYC once, for two days, back in the mid 80’s. Who knew Queens is the largest borough? (Hint: not me.)
6/10 Been there, done that, never again.
8/10 NY city has gr8 public relations because I’ve only been there twice in my 80 years on this earth. Hope they get a decent mayor.
10/10 I’m originally from New Jersey, we have all the dirt on NYC. That’s why I live in Kansas now.
5 of 10, still more than I care to know about Sewer City!
6 out of 10 right. So much for my knowledge of NYC…….
5 for 10, oh well!
I have NO desire to visit that s******e of a city in either case. Between the crooked governor Cuomo & the WOKE mayor DeBlasio, NYC has been destroyed beyond measure…
To say New York is in need of some serious leadership makes it the understatement of the century!
Bill on the Hill… :~)
As Harry Chapin so eloquently said, I spent a week there one afternoon;) His quote was about another city, but it aptly describes my sentiment.
6/10. Been there. It used to be a wonderful city with so much to do and see. I wouldn’t
go there again if they paid me a million dollars.
10 out of 10 right – and I was born and raised in Canada and have never been to New York city – but I am definitely a Texan now!!.
Don’t hanker to visit NYC in the future. I spent a week there one day several years ago!
Not uncommon here, but not all “correct” answers are totally correct. The Brooklyn Bridge was started in 1869, but was not completed and open for use until 1883. Question asked “when was it BUILT”.
Got 9/10 correct. I missed the one about what is the largest borough in NYC. I chose Manhattan but it was Queens. I wasn’t sure if they meant population or actual area of the borough. Still an excellent score. I guessed right on a lot of them, and actually did know some as well. I have visited NYC two times and stayed in Queens. Went to the US Open Tennis tournament.