Holiday Question 1 out of 10Which is not a name of one of Santa’s reindeers? Rudolph Dasher Venus Prancer You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 2 out of 10What is a toque? A winter hat Hot Chocolate A type of Icicle Slang for Winter You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 3 out of 10What is the name of the main character in “A Christmas Carol”? Charles Dickens The Grinch Rudolph Ebenezer Scrooge You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 4 out of 10What is traditionally left out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve? Cookies Coal Gatorade Coffee You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 5 out of 10According to the Guinness Book of World Records, what song is the best-selling holiday single? “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” “White Christmas” “Last Christmas” “All I Want for Christmas is You” You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 6 out of 10What is the name of the little girl in the “Nutcracker”? Maria Cindy Lou Clara Sarah You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 7 out of 10What did they get on the 8th day of Christmas? 8 Swans a-swimming 8 Maids a-milking 8 Lords a-leaping 8 Calling Birds You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 8 out of 10Who was the third ghost to visit in a Christmas Carol? Ghost of Christmas Eternity Ghost of Christmas Present Ghost of Christmas Present Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 9 out of 10Who was the original Santa Claus? Saint Nicholas Saint Christopher Saint Anthony Saint Paul You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 10 out of 10What plant is known as the “Christmas Eve flower”? Dahlia Poinsettia Camellia Amaryllis You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit Answer Subscribe to AMAC Daily News and Games Email If You Enjoy Games Like This - Subscribe to the AMAC Daily Newsletter! It's easy and FREE Subscribe Today! First Name Last Name Email *By providing your email address and subscribing, you agree to allow AMAC to send you "Join AMAC" emails, if you are not already an AMAC Member. Share Read more articles by The Association of Mature American Citizens Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label Name* Email* Label Name* Email* 58 Comments Most Voted Newest Oldest Inline Feedbacks View all comments ray 4 years ago 50/50 chance on the Nutcracker, wrong. Carol 4 years ago Got 8 out of 10…. I know I missed the name of the girl, Clara. Rick J. 4 years ago 7/10 not real good, I need to brush up on Christmas lore. This I’m sure of ” Merry Christmas to ALL” Don 4 years ago YOU are correct! Sherry Ware 4 years ago This was the easiest puzzle yet. Holiday Fun! Christmas is my favorite holiday. It may be a lonely one this year for some. Even me. Sad. Candy Vidulich 4 years ago 10/10…. I guess I know Christmas better than I thought! 🙂 Best score ever!!! 🙂 Dianne 4 years ago 9/10 Merry Christmas! Glenda 4 years ago 10/10! I think this is a first for me! Merry Christmas! Julia 4 years ago 8/10 missed the hate and girls name. Carol 4 years ago 10 out of 10! Christmas is my favorite time of year but Pascha (Easter) is my favorite holiday! Love the lights, smells and especially the music! Glenda 4 years ago I believe the first was the ghost of Christmas past, Jacob Marley, the second was the ghost of Christmas present, and the third was the ghost of Christmas yet to come. Patty L 4 years ago 10/10….Did this while waiting for my doctor to come in… maybe I should do all the puzzles this way!! (-; Karen Fuurhjelm 4 years ago Your quiz ignores the ghost of Jacob Marley, the FIRST ghost to visit Scrooge, who announces the next three ghost to come. Sandra 4 years ago 10/10! Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. Take care – Kathryn 4 years ago I got 9/10. Good for me and I was even talking on the phone to my sister! Merry Christmas to all! Richard A 4 years ago Got 10/10…yay for me. Jane CA 4 years ago All I want for Christmas is a recount ! Loretta 4 years ago 9 out of 10 good enough for me Barb 4 years ago 9/10 wolverine70 4 years ago 8/10 HelenC 4 years ago Our condo association said we could put up holiday decorations early. We did! Feels gr8. Best score I ever got. Thanks!! wilmer boyer 4 years ago Who was the third ghost to visit in a Christmas Carol?Question 8 has duplicate answers! Sue H 4 years ago Holy moly Batman – 10 out of 10!! That’s a first for me! S Smith 4 years ago Fun quiz – got 9 out of 10. I just wonder why the title of the quiz was “Holiday” instead of “Christmas”? Was someone afraid to use that word? JOHN 4 years ago I correctly answered 10/10 but it would not recognize “The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come” as the correct answer. In fact when I took the quiz it refused to recognize “The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come” as an answers at all. It kept telling me “you must answer the question”. I’ve had others say this happened to them, but the first time it has happened to me. Quite annoying when you are 100% right. You can’t argue with a computer program! JOHN 4 years ago I re-took the quiz. This time it allowed me to answer “Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come”. So I was able to officially score 100%. Not sure why the glitch on the first try. T. Anderson 4 years ago My first 10 out of 10. Thank you for such an easy one. Thomas Urich 4 years ago Read the book! Marley did not title himself as one of the ghosts. Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is correct. Roxanne 4 years ago Not much about Christmas in these! pat dipalma 4 years ago thank you for this revised game placement. however, i can’t get to earlier than Holiday. Tony 4 years ago Did well. Got all but 1 correct. But instead of calling it the “Holiday” quiz why don’t we go with the Christmas quiz? Let’s keep Christ in Christmas! Byron 4 years ago duplicate choices on #8! is anybody checking these before they are made available?????? Cynthia 4 years ago 10/10 Yay. Merry Christmas everyone! Kathy 4 years ago The answer for “who was the third ghost in “A Christmas Carol” in this puzzle is incorrect. It should be the ghost of Christmas present. The first ghost was Jacob Marley, the second the ghost of Christmas Past, the third was the ghost of Christmas Present, and the fourth was the ghost of Christmas yet to come. This is the first quiz I EVER got all answers correct, but the puzzle says I got the ghost of Christmas Present wrong. I challenge AMAC to correct the error in this puzzle. Thank you. Kathy 4 years ago I agree. I wrote my comment about this as well. It’s the first time i ever got all answers correct, but the puzzle says I got that one wrong. You and I are correct. Ellen 4 years ago Finally got another 10/10! Paula Frazier 4 years ago 8 out of 10. I don’t usually do well on these quizzes Alice S 4 years ago 9/10 I missed the Nutcracker girls name. Merry Christmas everyone! Beth 4 years ago Amen to that! Carol Pieron 4 years ago 8 out of 10 Clara and the 8 maids a milking got me. ???? Merry Christmas to all.???? BillMack 4 years ago No. Ebeneezer is visited by the “ghost” of Jacob Marley who informs Scrooge that he will be visited by “three” spirits, MOCountry 4 years ago 10/10 but had to guess at #2 and #6. Cindy W 4 years ago Wow, I’m on a roll tonight. 10/10! Miriam Brown 4 years ago Yay! 10 out of 10. Good for me! Merry Christmas to all! Jim Shedd 4 years ago 8/10. Christmas is my favorite season. I love the look in the eyes of the little ones at the beauty of the lights and the sight of Santa. I fear there won’t be a great deal of Christmas cheer this year due to restrictions on celebrations imposed by government officials. Kerry Hill 4 years ago Marley first, Christmas past second, and present day ghost third right? Rose P 4 years ago I disagree with the answer to question #8. The first ghost to visit Ebenezer Scrooge was that of his dead business partner Jacob Marley who told Ebenezer of the forthcoming visits from the other three. Thus in actuality the third ghost to visit Scrooge was The Ghost of Christmas Present. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come was the forth spectral visitor Scrooge received that night. Vonniequirk 4 years ago Too Easy! Katie 4 years ago The answer for question 8 is WRONG! The first ghost was the ghost of Jacob Marley. The second ghost was the ghost of Christmas Past, the third was the ghost of Christmas present and the 4th was the ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Susan P 4 years ago 10 of 10 Load More Comments wpDiscuz580Would love your thoughts, please comment.x()x| ReplyInsert Login Login Join Renew Member Benefits Newsline Member Benefits Advocacy Our Actions About Advocacy Issues Get Involved Weekly Update Annual Report Find Your Representative AMAC App Better for America Podcast Book Club AMAC Blog FAQ About Us Overview Our Team Our Stance on Key Issues Magazine Medicare Games Voice Your Opinion in AMAC Polls AMAC in the Media AMAC Action AMAC Foundation Social Security Guarantee Prime Directives Brief Prime Directives Details The AMAC Store Sweepstakes Contact Advertise with AMAC Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy