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History of Christmas

Posted Friday, December 22, 2023 | 29 Comments

History of Christmas

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Patty L
Patty L
6 months ago

9/10…. I shocked myself! Beware of question #9. Not the answer you might expect! May God bless all of us with a Merry Christmas and a peaceful 2024. I have to keep reminding myself that even with all that’s going on in this world, God is still in control. That’s the only thing that will make 2024 peaceful. He’s still in charge! And reminding ourselves, that we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus. He’s the only way to heaven and salvation. John 14:6 and John 3:16. As we wade through the packages, decorations and sweet treats, let’s not forget Jesus. God bless us all!

Mike Shea
Mike Shea
6 months ago

I took an intentional wrong answer on the question about the Wise Men. No star guided them to the birth place of Jesus. Carefully read the Scripture. They were FROM the East, and they had seen the Star IN the East. Had they gone toward the star they would have gone in the wrong direction. They NEVER visited the birth place of Jesus, because it took them approximately two years to get there. They went to the home of the current king, Herod. Where else would you look for the newborn king? (Would a miraculous Star lead them wrong?) Herod inquired of the Wise Men when the Star had appeared, then after sending them to Bethlehem, where the Scripture says He would be born, he sent soldiers to the Bethlehem area and murdered all children two years of age and younger, based on the time the Wise Men had seen the Star. Thus, Jesus was about two years of age at the time, and as the Scripture says, the Wise Men found Him in a house. From the moment the Wise Men inquire at Herod’s home about this Jesus is referred to as a “young child,” no longer an infant. Matthew Chapter 2 covers the whole incident. The Scripture is not wrong, but a lot of our Christmas traditions are. At least you didn’t ask where “the three Wise Men” found Jesus, because all we know for sure is, there was more than one of them. By the way, the innkeeper didn’t say anything either. There is no innkeeper in the Scripture. See Luke 2.

6 months ago

7 For 10
Merry Christmas AMAC, Staff, and Members, we all need to remember the reason for the season.
God Bless America!

6 months ago

5/10 – should have been 8/10 if I’d have gone with my 1st thought (which is what we were taught in school – I guess I didn’t learn that suggestion). Thank you Patty L. for your comments – Amen. A Merry Christmas to the “quiz guessers”…….

Linda R
Linda R
6 months ago

Got ’em all right! Wow! This quiz, as are all the others, was fun! Question #9-had to think about this, but remembered that Turkey was area most evangelized by the Apostles Paul, Timothy, etc.

6 months ago

Merry Christmas to all. Knew the St. Nicholas answer from watching a Santa Claus episode of “Toys that Built America.” We all just need to remember the reason for the season and will help us get through all the evil in the world.

6 months ago

8 out of 10 – never knew that St. Nicholas was born in Turkey. Wishing everyone a merry Christmas and praying for peace throughout the world.

John Bass
John Bass
6 months ago

Not so good, only 6/10
Merry Christmas to all Amac members and their family’s…even to the troll with no name.

6 months ago

HOHOHOHO 4 right! Half of those were guesses. Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a great NEW YEAR!!

6 months ago

10 for 10, a nice way to start the day. Merry Christmas to you all! And God bless us, everyone!

6 months ago

8/10 Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Rich D
Rich D
6 months ago

9/10 Merry Christmas to all!

5 months ago

8 out of 10, Didn’t know when Christmas became a federal holiday. It was during Pres. Ulysses S. Grant’s term as the 18th president. 1870–will remember that. Didn’t know Oliver Cromwell had banned Christmas as a holiday in 1647. I learn new things every day.

6 months ago

I guess I need to brush up on Christmas a little bit.

T. Anderson
T. Anderson
6 months ago


6 months ago

6/10. ????

6 months ago


6 months ago

7/10 surprised me.

Old Silk
Old Silk
6 months ago

10 for 10 on an open book quiz where needed. Merry Christmas.

6 months ago


6 months ago

10out of 10 and not because I am a Christmas fan, as I am not particularly. Haven’t celebrated it in the past 18 years.

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