
Games | Quizzes


Posted Friday, October 2, 2020 | 15 Comments
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Robert S.
Robert S.
4 years ago

This was the worst game so far. Not because I did terrible on the answers, but because the program has some severe problems. I would choose the answer and then try to enter it and the red warning came up that I had to choose an answer first, but I had and the screen showed it, but I would have to click on the answer again and then it would be accepted.
I hope the webmaster reads these comments!

4 years ago

I did terrible. 5/10. I’ve only been to the Adirondack’s and didn’t get that question right. Guess I’m doomed to be a hiker.

4 years ago

I only got 3/10 correct and those were guesses! I don’t hike, have no idea where these trails are except one cuz I have some friends who have hiked it. Don’t like being anywhere where there are snakes and other critters so this was interesting.

Jim Shedd
Jim Shedd
4 years ago

Answered 6/10 correctly, mostly by guessing. I do know The Narrows is locates in Zion National Park in Southern Utah. I’ve been to Zion though I’ve never hiked there.

4 years ago

3/10 too and I do hike …?

Sherry Ware
Sherry Ware
4 years ago

I tried it twice, once early this morning, (3/10) and then again this afternoon, (8/10). Somehow this doesn’t seem like the best subject for a quiz for senior citizens. Anyway, I learned a few things, not that I’m ever going to need this knowledge, I’m not a long distance hiker, never was.

4 years ago

I guessed 4/10. I suspect not many did well on this one.

4 years ago

7 of the questions are interesting and informative. Questions 2, 6, and 7 are about as useful as learning history only by memorizing names and dates.

4 years ago

I felt bad only getting 3 out of 10 until I read the other posts, so now I feel for you.

Robert B Osgood
Robert B Osgood
4 years ago

I have hiked on the PCT and the Appalachian trail, and I still only got 4 right. This was one where not many would do well.

4 years ago

Tough quiz this week!

Suzette Calleja
Suzette Calleja
4 years ago

How many people are carrying glass jars while their hiking to put a tick in?

4 years ago

Got 6 out of 10 through mostly guessing. I’ve been to the narrows in Zion but not the rest of the trails mentioned. It was mostly geared to the western US.

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