
Games | Quizzes


Posted Thursday, August 11, 2022 | 59 Comments


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2 years ago

Number nine does not make any sense and number ten cannot be answered.

Sue K
Sue K
2 years ago

Yet another screwed up quiz. Don’t you proofread these before you post them?

2 years ago

One correct answer (guess) out of eight (guesses). From the first game of this theme, I predicted I would fail on the quiz. Ha! Maybe I will have better luck with next weeks theme.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

What a waste of time No.9 gave me an answer of a Number and 10 won’t respond to my Click!

2 years ago

It wouldn’t even let me get my score, This was another screw-up. I think I was actually doing pretty well.

2 years ago

Another garbage quiz.

2 years ago

Quiz is screwed up

2 years ago

Another game with glitches. It’s just as well. Every single answer was a guess and my score would have been 2 or 3 out of 10. Hoping next week is a better subject and puzzles with no glitches.

2 years ago

I sent a complaint through the live chat…they will notify the IT department the quiz is not working correctly.

Rich D
Rich D
2 years ago

Question 9 said “the answer is 7” and you can’t submit question 10.

2 years ago

And, when someone said what I thought…was told I had already used that:-(

Arthur J
Arthur J
2 years ago

That ERIC Program must be in charge of the quiz roll.

2 years ago

Game is “broke”; Gives the wrong answer for “?”9, and won’t let you submit your answer for “?”10.

James Jensen
James Jensen
2 years ago

Gee, I didn’t know that 7 had a franchise. I thought 7, 8, 9. The 7 franchised must be called “The Hungry Number”

2 years ago

Shouldn’t be this difficult to get these quizzes to load correctly. Just sayin’.

2 years ago

Don’t they try these games before loading them? If not, they should. This one blows for a lack of attention to detail. Sad and one big sigh!

mary moore
mary moore
2 years ago

game seems to be broken, it combines 9 and 10… was doing pretty good up to that point

Paul Stahl
Paul Stahl
2 years ago

This is happening far to often, time to get a new “Quiz Master”

Sherry Ware
Sherry Ware
2 years ago

Afternoon game has the same problems as earlier. Oh, well. Have a great weekend anyway, everyone.

James Jensen
James Jensen
2 years ago

I had no idea that 7 was such a successful franchise. The must have been against 9 all those times. Since Pythagoras has always been known that 7 ate 9.

Ken Hill
Ken Hill
2 years ago

Another poorly made/edited game/quiz from AMAC. Is ANYONE checking these games before they are posted??

james beach
james beach
2 years ago

Lots of fun.

Lyn Hartman
Lyn Hartman
2 years ago

The game must use Dominion software.

Charlotte Anne Chase
Charlotte Anne Chase
2 years ago

No more sports, please!

2 years ago

How can it be 4 team names and the correct answer is 7

2 years ago

I think Amac does this on purpose just to see how many of us are playing.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Well Well ,Biden has screwed up again. His fault. LOL. The number is 32 & 7/8 LOL.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

OH OH the game today was so depressing. I may not play again. Kyle L.

2 years ago

I’m with the rest of you on this one. Did horrible and couldn’t submit. I think I knew 2. Whoopie-do.

James Shedd
James Shedd
2 years ago

I don’t follow professional sports if any kind; my favorite is rodeo however though I don’t watch it very much. My quiz score is dismal.

Gary M Ginocchio
Gary M Ginocchio
2 years ago

Question 9 and 10 are reversed. The answer for 9 is called wrong, it gives the answer as 7, which is the answer for question 10. This has happened before more than a few times on previous quizzes

2 years ago

Too funny. I thought I knew little about football but at least I know 7 is not a football team. You made my day, AMAC. Thanks!!!

T. Anderson
T. Anderson
2 years ago

Don’t know how I did because after clicking an answer for the last question, nothing happens.

2 years ago

Number 10 question will not let me submit the answer. I know I did terrible though.

2 years ago

10 is not working. Probably a good thing since Tom Brady does not play in the “NHL”; it’s the NFL!

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

This QUIZ is still BS, BS, BS,!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

AMAC, your system prevents me from completing the quiz . . . 🙁

2 years ago

The Democrats are at it again!!

2 years ago

Here is the answer to today’s quiz:
If you have four pencils and I have seven apples, how many pancakes will fit on the roof? Purple, because aliens don’t wear hats.

Greg Snyder
Greg Snyder
2 years ago

I haven;t been able to open any of my daily email links for a month. Must be the same tech guy who does the games.

Mike L
Mike L
2 years ago

Question 10: Really do not think Tom Brady would have lasted 20+ years in the NHL. Thought he played for New England Patriots, not the Boston Bruins. As Red Green would say: “Keep your stick on the ice”.

2 years ago

Missed ’em all but one. Not ashamed. Not a football fan. Never have been. Never will be.

Jablonski Donna
Jablonski Donna
2 years ago

Someone at AMAC needs to do a better job of QA. Their mistakes continue and should be embarrassing to them. Our NFL poll had an answer on #9 that wasn’t one of the choices and the last question hung so we could never finish. Come on guys.

2 years ago

wouldn’t let me answer the last two. not that I know anything about football – but it wouldn’t even tell me if I was correct or not.

2 years ago

I had the same problem with the last question – wouldn’t let me answer – had a perfect score up til then. What a rip – I don’t usually get a perfect score and I am ANGRY lol!

2 years ago

Well, that was weird 9 & 10 are just all messed up. Answer for 9 came up “7” and couldn’t answer 10. Oh well better luck next week AMAC!!!

2 years ago

I’m not familiar with a team called 7. What city are they from? Have they ever played the Packers, or are they in a different conference? Also, I’m still waiting to find out if I got #10 correct, or not.

1 year ago

Not now

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