
Games | Quizzes


Posted Thursday, May 21, 2020 | 39 Comments


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Sandra D
Sandra D
4 years ago

Greenhouse effect- you have the answer gases in the atmosphere trap energy twice, so depending on which of the same answers you click on, the answer is right and wrong.

4 years ago

Question 4 , answer was both right & wrong. Must be Common Core.

Delbert E Robinson
Delbert E Robinson
4 years ago

Isn’t #7 dependent on whether it is a gas stove or an electric stove?

Tom T
Tom T
4 years ago

#4 I was correct but not counted. Practice for democrat vote counters.

Ray j
Ray j
4 years ago

Heat for boiling water is actually conducted to the water by the pan. The pan gain its thermal energy by convection from the stove or flame. I disagree with your answer to number 7. It should at least recognize both transfer methods as correct, or only conduction. Try to boil water without conductive material holding the water and you only lose your water or put out the fire.

Gail Berry
Gail Berry
4 years ago

What’s with Question 4 – the answer was wrong and right. In any event, I didn’t do too well on this quiz.

Allison Skibba
Allison Skibba
4 years ago

I actually got 10 out of 13 right! Question #4 had two answers that were the same.

4 years ago

Did Bill Gates or Ocasio Cortez write this quiz? Question 4 has is identical to question 3, but if 4 is picked, quiz says it’s wrong & should be 3. ??????????

Dee Poulter
Dee Poulter
4 years ago

The answers to the quiz were already hilited

George A. Gibs0n
George A. Gibs0n
4 years ago

I am not happy with the last four quizzes. Last week was okay but the two before that talked about old earth age as fact and this one is talking about greenhouse gases as fact. They are brainwashing statements just like they are teaching are kids. I am surprise that AMAC with have quizzes with these answers or statements. I thought AMAC was more bible believing christians then this.

4 years ago

Jan 13 even I – a NON scientific person knew that one…at 75, these questions were tough…I did OK – for me…

4 years ago

Seems like the AMAC staff has been brainwashed…don’t believe everything you see on TV in the future talk to a real scientist.

Jim Cowles
Jim Cowles
4 years ago

I disagree with number 12. I live in Texas. We get freakishly hot days even during what most people call winter. Real winter in Texas only lasts a few days each year. We do run our heater for a few months (about three) each year. The A/C is on exclusively for about nine months each year and occasionally during hot humid days during the winter season. The overwhelming majority of our energy usage is for cooling, not for heating our home.

4 years ago

Question 12 In the South where I live the air conditioning bill in the summer is much more than the heating bill in the winter.

Sherry Ware
Sherry Ware
4 years ago

The quiz marked a right answer wrong, so I quit.

4 years ago

I think only second time I’ve gotten 100%
A lot of educated guesses

4 years ago

I live in Florida so I have to disagree with question 12. I always spend more for A/C than heat.

T. Anderson
T. Anderson
4 years ago

Yikes! I did not do well.

Ann Ritter
Ann Ritter
4 years ago

What is this greenhouse gas baloney? I thought I was either in the deli on on the cnn website

4 years ago

#12 I disagree most U S homes do not have space heaters

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago

How does ice cool down in your hand? Doesn’t it warm up since it usually melts?!

4 years ago

What’s up with hiring democrats to write your quizzes now?

Greg Snyder
Greg Snyder
4 years ago

Another poorly constructed quiz using politically correct questions and answers. Natural gas and crude oil are constantly being produced as byproducts from the Earth’s core which is why old depleted fields can be produced again. The huge amount of carbon based raw material being forced through the Earth’s crust by plate movement under the oceans is the fuel that produces both.

4 years ago

Question 12 is wrong. Compressor produced heat exchanging uses more electricity than conventional resistance heating. Question 8 is partly wrong. Radiated heat is actually indirect conduction. More accurately a form of convection. Question 4 is wrong because there is no such thing as a greenhouse effect because of the laws of physics. You can not force a heavy gas i.e. Co2 to rise above oxygen, nitrogen, and inert gasses which are lighter. You can not change the laws of physics, nullifying the so called anthropogenic claims of humans causing rising earth temperatures, or the newer claimed “climate change” That’s junk science. Who wrote this week’s questions! F grade this week from Dr. John

aleen stone
aleen stone
4 years ago

it is a good learning tool and brain game

aleen stone
aleen stone
4 years ago

A good brain game and learning or recall experience from this fun game

aleen stone
aleen stone
4 years ago

So how do i join in the discussion

4 years ago

Surprised myself – not that interesting to me – surprised I got 9 of 12…missed the easiest ones I suppose…heat using the most energy depends on WHERE you live. I lived in FL for 30 years and many used a/c all year around…but then I also lived in northern MN and not all that many people even had a/c…all depends…

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