Animal Quiz Question 1 out of 14In the case of vertebrates, which two animals are at the top of the list for the number of teeth they have? Fin Whales and Turtles Anteaters and Narwhal Whales Sharks and Dolphins Anteaters and Humpback Whales You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 2 out of 14Which primate is found in South America and is so small they can fit inside a human’s hand? Tapir Pygmy Marmoset Capybara Coatimundi You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 3 out of 14What is the largest animal alive? Blue Whale Elephant Giraffe Brown Bear You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 4 out of 14What do you call animals who only eat plants? Carnivores Herbivores Herbicides Carnallite You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 5 out of 14How long can hippos hold their breath underwater? Up to 1 minute Up to 5 minutes Up to 25 minutes Up to 3 hours You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 6 out of 14Which fact is untrue about beavers? They have a set of lips behind their front teeth They secrete a goo that smells like vanilla They build dams They eat fish You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 7 out of 14What is the name of the group in which killer whales live and hunt together? Pods Packs Gaggles Prides You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 8 out of 14How do sea turtles get their names? From the color of their shells From the color of their skin From the color of the water From the color of their eyes You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 9 out of 14What is a baby rabbit called? A Pup An Infant A Kitten A Kid You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 10 out of 14Which is not a subspecies of tiger? Bengal Siberian Sumatran Welsh You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 11 out of 14Roughly how many Panda bears remain in the wild? About 100 About 1,500 About 3,000 About 4,000 You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 12 out of 14What is the name for the organization of bees that live within a hive? Colonies Camps Clusters Combs You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 13 out of 14Which is not a member of a bee colony? Queen Bee Workers Drones King Bee You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 14 out of 14Which is untrue of an infant koala? It immediately climbs up its mother’s pouch It is blind and earless when born It may be born the size of a grain of rice It gestates in the pouch for only 12 days You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit Answer Subscribe to AMAC Daily News and Games Email If You Enjoy Games Like This - Subscribe to the AMAC Daily Newsletter! It's easy and FREE Subscribe Today! First Name Last Name Email *By providing your email address and subscribing, you agree to allow AMAC to send you "Join AMAC" emails, if you are not already an AMAC Member. Share Read more articles by The Association of Mature American Citizens Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label Name* Email* Label Name* Email* 28 Comments Most Voted Newest Oldest Inline Feedbacks View all comments Pat Dilling 6 years ago I thought Sea Turtles got their name because the live in the sea Sherry 5 years ago The quiz is mixed up! Twice I was given two answers to choose from and the correct answer was not one of the choices I was given! Won’t play this again. Elton Yancey 6 years ago I feel lucky to get 9 right. Phyllis 6 years ago 10/14. What a fun quiz. Many I knew the answer. A few I made good guesses and 4, I learned something new. Keep the quizzes coming. Lillian knoetgen 6 years ago This was interesting. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Thank you. Dick 6 years ago 10 good guesses and 4 bad ones. In this area I am a donkey. Jan S 6 years ago 11 of 14, many good guesses, keep them coming. Never knew what a baby rabbit is called, so learned something today. ?? R. Ernest Dupuy 6 years ago 8 of 14 — not quite a passing grade on this quiz, and a blow to my self esteem. I usually do better. Cora 6 years ago 12 out of 14….had no idea I knew this! K.S. 6 years ago Luckily, 12 of 14. Julene 6 years ago Learned some new things. This was great! Wayne 6 years ago Silly me. I thought sea turtles were called sea turtles because they live in the sea. Who cares what a bay rabbit is called? Grrrrr Deirdre 6 years ago Liked the quiz, not as smart as I thought I was…. Kelly 6 years ago I always learn a lot from these quizzes-fun! Thanks! Lawrences 6 years ago I got 12 of the 14. I did not know I was so smart. Kenny 6 years ago Number 8 is definitely wrong. There is the Hawksbill, Leatherback, Loggerhead, Flatback, Kemp’s Ridley all named for something other than their skin color. Caroll Aleshire 6 years ago Only 9 out of 14. So-so, I guess. Diana Erbio 6 years ago 9 out of 14…I knew more about animals than I thought I did ? June 6 years ago I love these “Brain Teasers”, & am looking forward to more of them.there were some surprise answers for me. 9 out of 14. Tad 6 years ago Sorry, but some of these are wrong. Some hippos can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes. Sea turtles are named for some feature about their body, such as ‘loggerhead’. ‘leatherback’. It has nothing to do with skin color. There are about 1500 Giant pandas in the wild. There are about 3000 total pandas. Betty 6 years ago Enjoy AMAC’s quizzes. I always learn something. Donna Kepler 6 years ago 10 out of 14. But I’m not really very knowledgeable about animals, so I guess that was pretty good considering. And it was quite interesting. Debbie Brugman 6 years ago 13 out of 14. Not bad. Number 14 tripped me up. Katherine Spenski 6 years ago Infant koalas born the size of a grain of rice! How cute!!! Martin Steed 6 years ago Great quiz. Missed 4, which is more than I usually miss, BUT, I learned something about Beavers and Wabbits! Keep them coming. Bonnie 6 years ago More questions about domestic animals would have been easier, but 10 of 14 isn’t too bad, LOL wpDiscuz280Would love your thoughts, please comment.x()x| ReplyInsert Login Login Join Renew Member Benefits Newsline Member Benefits Advocacy Our Actions About Advocacy Issues Get Involved Weekly Update Annual Report Find Your Representative AMAC App Better for America Podcast Book Club AMAC Blog FAQ About Us Overview Our Team Our Stance on Key Issues Magazine Medicare Games Voice Your Opinion in AMAC Polls AMAC in the Media AMAC Action AMAC Foundation Social Security Guarantee Prime Directives Brief Prime Directives Details The AMAC Store Sweepstakes AMAC Active Contact Advertise with AMAC Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy