Vatican City
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You finished the puzzle in 7:41
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 11
It was refreshing to have a clear background instead of the blurry pictures in past puzzles. However, this was a difficult puzzle to solve, but I enjoyed the challenge.
15:03 on bb with 0 misses
You finished the puzzle in 12:17
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
11:40 on brain buster, but I had 12 misses.
12:47 on BB. Enjoyed the puzzle.
Great picture. This week’s subject will be interesting for me — I know nothing about The Vatican.
2:08 no misses. Happy Monday!
Good picture.
2:45 No misses!
No misses is all I can claim, I was trying to find where I stayed when I was there but 2003 was a while ago.
2:53, couple of oopies
2:52 with one miss
2:39 no misses.
2:25 With no misses.
Finished in 2.08. No misses or reveals.
3:26 with a lot of missed placemenrs
Fun 6:50 min
Was an easy one for me for some reason. Did it in 1:30 with no mistakes.
3:47 Not bad. sorta easy..
Been here. We had just missed John XXIII’s easter speech. Crowded place. Swiss Guards were nice — back then. They allowed me to go under the ropes to take pictures of them and areas inside. Ha! They even stood at attention for me. But then again…I was only 7 years old. Ah, the joys of being a military brat… Good times. Nowadays, the italian police patrol and threaten the 13 Grandmothers…sad.
3:10, 2 misses
5:13. I couldn’t get the pieces to move in to the puzzle. Took a lot longer than it should have. The only good thing, I didn’t have any misplace pieces.
3:44 Surprised I had no misses cause this one was hard!
Took my time. 315 with no help whatsoever!!
I took my time with no misses. 3:06
3:28 no misses.
4.20 and 1 misplacement
3:19 with a miss.
3:21 with 1 miss… oh well – it’s Monday? ha ha
3:05….I took my time today. Decided to just relax and enjoy doing the puzzle.
3:07 one missed