United States Presidents
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2:19 with one miss, it will be nice when we get a real President to go with it!
Instead of an eagle the seal should have a goony bird for this prez
Fastest ever: 68 seconds. Gee, remember a few years ago when we had a real President?
2:30 and 0 miss. I was surprised the dark pieces had some identifying signs my eyes could see. A good workout all around.
you finished the puzzle in 4:21
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 4
2:06 no miss. I agree with other the black pieces were easier than I thought they would be.
You finished the puzzle in 4:40
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
The puzzle was unusually easy this morning. I will enjoy the subject this week. Goes right along with my current read, THE BULLY PULPIT.
1:15 with no misses
1:47. I’m usually lousy at these
6:30 on Brain Buster. I agree with J. Farley!
2;02,With 2 missed placements.Hope you guys have a great week with a blessed day today.
5:10 on bb with 0 missed
2:17 no misses. Yes, it will be nice when we get a real president to go with the seal!!
5:54 on bb with 0 misses
1:40, good one for me today.
2:39 with one miss. Too bad our current president isn’t our real president. November can’t come none too soon.
2:42. Bless America
1:57 no misses or help yippee… coffee paid off. ha ha
2:25 😉
1:46 no misplacements
2:19 no misses and fun tlo do.
l:13 way too easy
2:33 No misses no reveals. Not bad for someone with Glaucoma and panuveitis of the eyes.
8.08 min I don’t know what puzzle you all were doing but I had to drag the pieces from a second page. Could not see the pieces until I took them up to another page. It took 25 misses to be able to see them. What a pain.
1:42 and no errors in judgment.
1:28. Probably would have been half if not for the surrounding area. LOL!
3:19 – My best time, I think? Difficulty: Normal, No misses, no reveals
1:38 and clean. Nice and easy….
1:17…1 missed…. (-:
2:12. Okay there’s a lot faster times, however, I’m happy. 🙂
2:19 Happy President’s Day!
2:45 no misses
.58 and no misses.
1:37 no misses
2:16 no misses…a little better than my normal times
1:29 Pretty easy.
2:00 Seemed to be an easier one to me.
:51 – OK, I’ll take an easy puzzle on a Monday morning. 🙂
1:24 no misses