Traffic Jam
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You finished the puzzle in 9:00Stats:Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
tough one; my husband and I do it together!
You finished the puzzle in 11:15
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
10:16 on bb with 3 misses
11:00 with 2 misses on bb
You finished the puzzle in 12:42
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
Reveals Used: 0
Makes me stressed out just LQQking at it!! How people do this is beyond me! This was a tough one to do. Another one that made my eyes cross, lol, but the puzzles are my favorite of the games.
Healthy New Year Everyone! Again, it won’t be happy until November! ;-]
12:35 with 2 misses on the bb
11:06 on bb with 1 miss
You finished the puzzle in 7:43
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 12
2:44 no misses.
3:35 no misses.
4:29 Kinda hard to me!
3:46 & 1 miss.
2:28…. It looked harder than it was or I’m more awake today!
3:40 no misses not bad for me..
Really tough one today
This one was a toughie for me….3:49 but no misses
Sometimes the grayed out pic is so gray my old eyes (even with glasses) just can’t make out the shapes to compare with the scrambled puzzle.
2:52 With 2 missed placments,a little confusing for me.
4:22 with 5 misplacements. Tough one for me today.
4:07 4 misses
Boy, this one was tough, so much looked alike. Done on my PC vs iPhone but still needed 9:13 to complete with 2 misses.
A great challenge!
442 with 13 misses
Experienced the worst in a while going to mall for last minute pick up…the roads weren’t the worst; it was the parking lot!
Thank you for the puzzle, the picture makes me grateful I am home in my warm house!
17:48 slow, but sure. One missed placement. This was the most challenging one since these puzzles started. Love a good challenge.
3:45 with 0 misses! That was a good one!
5:25 Almost as slow as actually driving in the Seattle traffic where I use to live as well as here in Las Vegas where I live now. I suppose it’s bad in every major city.
2:26 w/no misses. Glad I never experienced anything like this.
3:55 Thought it was worse than that. No misplaced pieces. I found this to be more difficult than usual. I sure don’t miss that traffic now that I moved to a rural area. Rush hour here means that I can see cars in front of me and behind me. Some days five of us in a row. And all moving at 60 mph. Love it!
4:46 with one misplacement, worse than usual for me. It’s hard when the gray background gives no clues as to colors. I wonder where this was? Reminds me of getting off the ferry between Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada and Anacortes Island, Washington State. It looked so simple on the map but was a time-consuming bottleneck!
5:37 but that’s okay with me because no misses and no reveals.
4:22, no misses. This was a little harder than usual.
3:22 Good puzzle
4:58. Took longer than I thought it would. All the pieces looked the same to me.Hope you all had a fun-filled Christmas.
2:46 went better than I expected. 🙂
3:54 nor reveals, but that did not look like a fun at all!!
6:02 – hard! This was tough!
4:00 Not my favorite puzzle…too much rain and darkness.
I did terrible on this one. Not sure if it was harder or I am getting worse at this. Still love to do them.
2:41 with no errors
4:32, but with no misplacements. Just took my time since it was a bit difficult being as dark as it is.
I have low vision, so I don’t race the clock on any of these puzzles.. I feel lucky just to finally put ’em all together. 🙂
Wow, that one took awhile, not to mention one misplacement.
4:06 no misses. Would have been faster but the wife and her questions come first ya know!!
Keep ’em comin’…!
Traffic jams were okay, but I’d appreciated celebration of New Year ahead!
3:11 no misses
3:38 no misses, no reveals