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7:09 on bb with 12 misses-all sky- like the old song “blue on blue, heartache on heartache”
7:35, my fastest yet on brain buster first effort, and I finally bested my wife. She seems to always be under 10:00
I was Texas born, and Texas bred, and when I die, I’ll be Texas dead. Keep em’ comin’…
6:50 on Brain Buster. Sky was a little tough.
Easy = :35, Normal = 1:44, Hard = 2:39, Expert = 3:47, Brain-buster = 4:28
2:21 Love Texas….. I was born here and will die here.
5:48 6 misses on expert
6:15 on bb with 9 misses
You finished the puzzle in 4:03
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 19
You finished the puzzle in 4:52
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 16
It’s a great state with rich history of growth
2:14 not too bad…..
Inside of 2 min. I’ll take it for a Monday.
Good one for Monday Morning, Thank you!
2:02, not too bad.
Those blues were tricky… Great pic and fun puzzle.
3:07. That’s typical for me for this type o puzzle. What’s not typical for me is that I got only ONE missed placement! I usually get at least 3 or 4. I hope everyone has a nice week.
2:43 with one missed blue sky placement. I like Texas, interesting history. My son graduated from UT in Austin. He’s a Longhorns fan.
Good brain exercise for a Monday a.m.. Have a great day, ya all!(said with a Texas twang
3:05 no misses
Reminder of how lucky I am to live in the great state of Texas.
1:34 no misses
2:22with 2 missed and I live in Texas.
2:30 no misses, not my best… but a long way from my worst.
Good puzzle.
4:01 with 5 misplaced pieces. My finger didn’t always pick up the intended piece or drop it in the right place but I also just couldn’t remember the color pattern of the Texas State flag though I spent approximately 10 years in San Antonio with the US Air Force I simply forgot the flag pattern. Of course, the sky (upper left corner) I put in wrong order though there were only two pieces. Guess I need to focus better.
2:13 with 2 miss placements. The sky got me!
2:33 with 1 miss, so much fun!
2;04 1 miss..Love Texas.
3:03.. no Reveals, no Missed Placements.
Easy one, for me anyway. Love the picture!
2:-09 Fun puzzle
2:55 today with three misses. Missed same two pieces of sky in upper left as yesterday plus some other and a piece of the flag. Still enjoyed it though.
1:42 Normal
1:22 with one missed placement, one reveal.
nothing but blue skies do I see.
2:29 w/3 misplacements
.Kind of cool interesting way to keep your mind working
You finished the puzzle in 6:05
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 10
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 3:41
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 19
You finished the puzzle in 5:52
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 12
Reveals Used: 0
1:38, way too easy today, but always welcome.