2:32 (while eating breakfast-ha) Great groups that I enjoyed were the Moody Blues, The Righteous Brothers, Peter & Gordon, The Temptations, EARLY Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, EARLY Elvis Presley, to name a few.
Nancy A
1 month ago
1:43 great picture & music, but pictured records are from the 1970’s, not 1960’s…
George K Tuhowski III
1 month ago
You finished the puzzle in 3:52
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Rock & Roll is responsible for at least 50% of my hearing loss.
Meg Glass
1 month ago
IS anyone else aware that these songs are not from the 1960s?
1 month ago
You finished the puzzle in 7:02
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
1 month ago
7:40 on BB
1 month ago
2:21. If these records are from the 60’s, then I’m 18.
1 month ago
That music is not from the 60’s. I never listened to that junk. Skulls and stuff? I thought this was a more conservative organization. Not about death and darkness.
1 month ago
1:37. GREAT music!! But this is all from the 70s, not the 60s.
1 month ago
7:38 no misses or reveals. I’m wondering how they got a picture of me.
1 month ago
I currently am trying to work the music of 1960s puzzle normal difficulty. I have one spare piece. There are three white or colorless pieces in place. I have searched the whole puzzle and no pieces are out of place. If I could find a way to attach a picture I would.
1 month ago
I wonder if we are seeing a different picture from other people… We are seeing Hey Jude, Revolution, Susie Q. And Love Me Tender. All songs from the 60’s…
Rich D
1 month ago
2:22 As everyone else pointed out, these records are from the 70s.
Broccoli Free Zone
1 month ago
I tried to click a record and listen. Then I said, “Duuuhh.”
1 month ago
This 1970’s music. Geez!
1 month ago
2:19….the good old days….good music,,,
24 days ago
You finished the puzzle in 7:00
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Mike L
1 month ago
The longest single timewise, Don McLean’s American Pie (1971), Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry,
1 month ago
Keep ’em comin’, even if they are from the wrong decade…..
1 month ago
3:27 No misses no reveals. Love rock and roll!!
Mel Con
1 month ago
1:42 with two misplaced.
1 month ago
My following remarks, I suspect, will ruffle some folks; feathers, but so be it. I believe the decade of the sixties was a decadent decade for America, not only because of the primary style of music, but also because of other areas of our culture. As I recall that era, our moral structure declined as well (aka hippies). It was an era of “anything goes”, and an era when I believe the so-called “deep state” got a real foot hold. Albeit there were some good times during that decade, also, but for the most part, I believe it’s a decade better regretted—especially for much of the “rock” music which to me, was sheer annoying noise.
1 month ago
2:20 looks like all are from that era but I am definitely NOT 18!
1 month ago
2:02 – love this week’s puzzles!
Kathy G
1 month ago
1:41 I remember this puzzle from a few years ago.
1 month ago
Finished 2:12 with no help.
1 month ago
1 month ago
3:04 a little confusing
1 month ago
3:58 this time
1 month ago
1:48. Might be a best for me.
1 month ago
You finished the puzzle in 2:40
1 month ago
The picture is different today than it was yesterday! I guess AMAC heard all of the complaints about the first picture being from the 1970s.
1 month ago
Mary Minshall
1 month ago
The puzzle went back to being all fuzzy when I finished it again. I thought you fixed that problem.
1 month ago
3:73. The good ole 45s and 78s.
1 month ago
1 month ago
AI created junk. Are they getting lazy that they don’t even check what being created? Skull face! And did you see what they did to the Nativity scene? The first one had two women two babies, one animal that looked weird. It was totally offensive.
1 month ago
3:01 Love the oldies but goodies!
Judith Dunn
1 month ago
Joe Walsh was about the only one I’m familiar with
1 month ago
all good tunes but the Floyd Boys remain my all time favorite.
John Bass
1 month ago
1 month ago
Could you add a few more puzzles and games to this topic? 🙂
1 month ago
1 month ago
Chris C
1 month ago
Are You Ready to Begin the Puzzle?
The Puzzle Is Currently Paused
Wait! Are you sure you want to give up?
How to Play
Choose a difficulty level
Easy - 16 pieces
Normal - 25 pieces
Hard - 36 pieces
Expert - 49 pieces
Brain Buster - 64 pieces
Drag individual puzzle pieces on the correct locations of the gray image to complete the entire image
Use the 'Reveal' option to automatically place a single piece
Use 'Give Up' to instantly solve the remaining puzzle
2:32 (while eating breakfast-ha) Great groups that I enjoyed were the Moody Blues, The Righteous Brothers, Peter & Gordon, The Temptations, EARLY Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, EARLY Elvis Presley, to name a few.
1:43 great picture & music, but pictured records are from the 1970’s, not 1960’s…
You finished the puzzle in 3:52
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Rock & Roll is responsible for at least 50% of my hearing loss.
IS anyone else aware that these songs are not from the 1960s?
You finished the puzzle in 7:02
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
7:40 on BB
2:21. If these records are from the 60’s, then I’m 18.
That music is not from the 60’s. I never listened to that junk. Skulls and stuff? I thought this was a more conservative organization. Not about death and darkness.
1:37. GREAT music!! But this is all from the 70s, not the 60s.
7:38 no misses or reveals. I’m wondering how they got a picture of me.
I currently am trying to work the music of 1960s puzzle normal difficulty. I have one spare piece. There are three white or colorless pieces in place. I have searched the whole puzzle and no pieces are out of place. If I could find a way to attach a picture I would.
I wonder if we are seeing a different picture from other people… We are seeing Hey Jude, Revolution, Susie Q. And Love Me Tender. All songs from the 60’s…
2:22 As everyone else pointed out, these records are from the 70s.
I tried to click a record and listen. Then I said, “Duuuhh.”
This 1970’s music. Geez!
2:19….the good old days….good music,,,
You finished the puzzle in 7:00
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
The longest single timewise, Don McLean’s American Pie (1971), Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry,
Keep ’em comin’, even if they are from the wrong decade…..
3:27 No misses no reveals. Love rock and roll!!
1:42 with two misplaced.
My following remarks, I suspect, will ruffle some folks; feathers, but so be it. I believe the decade of the sixties was a decadent decade for America, not only because of the primary style of music, but also because of other areas of our culture. As I recall that era, our moral structure declined as well (aka hippies). It was an era of “anything goes”, and an era when I believe the so-called “deep state” got a real foot hold. Albeit there were some good times during that decade, also, but for the most part, I believe it’s a decade better regretted—especially for much of the “rock” music which to me, was sheer annoying noise.
2:20 looks like all are from that era but I am definitely NOT 18!
2:02 – love this week’s puzzles!
1:41 I remember this puzzle from a few years ago.
Finished 2:12 with no help.
3:04 a little confusing
3:58 this time
1:48. Might be a best for me.
You finished the puzzle in 2:40
The picture is different today than it was yesterday! I guess AMAC heard all of the complaints about the first picture being from the 1970s.
The puzzle went back to being all fuzzy when I finished it again. I thought you fixed that problem.
3:73. The good ole 45s and 78s.
AI created junk. Are they getting lazy that they don’t even check what being created? Skull face! And did you see what they did to the Nativity scene? The first one had two women two babies, one animal that looked weird. It was totally offensive.
3:01 Love the oldies but goodies!
Joe Walsh was about the only one I’m familiar with
all good tunes but the Floyd Boys remain my all time favorite.
Could you add a few more puzzles and games to this topic? 🙂