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This was a tough one. 14:21 on bb with 0 misses
12:20 with one miss on the bb
18:14 on brain buster with 17 missed pieces. This one was tough but I really enjoyed it.
7:26 on BB, No misses, no reveals.
12:49 on bb with 3 misses. had a hard time with this one. I was in the USMC; you’d think i’d have this one down pat
You finished the puzzle in 8:19
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Proud to be an American!
Very thankful for our men and women in the military.
5:28 and 5 misplaced….difficult for me
That’s a lot of camo, lol! Time, not so good…will keep practicing this week to find the small differences for clues! AMAC, thanks for honoring our military branches!
Tough one today. 2:04 with no misses! Not sure exactly how I did that. Thank you to all of our military!
3:15 Hooah!
3:41 No missed Placements or reveals used
5:50. Thanks to all those that serve or served!
Really proud of our military and glad to have been part of it! Also very proud that three of our six grandkids are in the military! God Bless America and keep her STRONG!
4:09 Thank you to our brave military! God Bless You!
4;58, God bless our military forever & always.
4:37…. This was a hard one. It took me a while to even figure out what the picture was! Is that because I’m doing it on my iPhone or is it my eyesight? 🙂
4:26 w/2 missed placements.Had to go really slow.
3:42 with one miss
4:19 with a few misses. Just a reminder to wear red on Friday.
R-remember E-everyone D-deployed. God bless them all.
3:42..1 miss.Military appreciation.Love this one.
3:08….really good for me 🙂
2:45,not too bad, but had 4 misses.
5:30 with no misses, but I had to go really slow. God bless all who have served our country.
4:34 one misplaced this was a tough one
3:06 for me with 12 misses, but I believe it is better to keep trying, right?
There was not enough contrast on the “target” puzzle to see where to put the pieces.
3:31 with 1 miss.
5:27 2 misses…hard to see contrast
2:30 Better than I thought I would do.
3:12 and one miss. Took a while to figure out picture.
This was a tough one because of the subtle differences: 6:48 with six misplaced pieces, beginning with the first piece which I just couldn’t seem to position correctly and cost me three misses before getting it right. As an Air Force retiree I appreciate the sacrifices of those who ent before me, served with me, and those who serve today to defend our freedoms. Many times they give up much of their own freedoms so we may retain ours. Thank you to all active duty, reservists, guardsmen, and veterans for your service.
4:22 with 4 miss placements. It took me awhile to figure out what the picture was about. Then it was a little easier, but not much.
3:23, but I got ’em all.
3:10 two misplaced
3:24- 2 misplacements
3:10 a little work trying to look through all that camouflage haha
2:19 with 3 missed placements. Thank you to all who serve and have served!
6:28 – wow, that took me an unusually long time but that’s okay – took it slow and enjoyed it/
5:24 with 4 misplaced pieces, kind of hard.
5:04 2 missess.
Good Bless our troops. Thank you for your service. God Bless this great country and save us from the far left……
3:30 Not too bad.
2:27 on Normal Level, no misses. Not bad considering I couldn’t find most of the puzzle pieces – they were camouflaged! :p
3:12…Not too bad for this one.
4:12 – no help, no misses. Not too bad I guess.. Right Sarg??