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7:46 on bb with 38 misses–ouch!!! That sky is impossible
The sky accounted for all the missed pieces.
You finished the puzzle in 10:48
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 29
Reveals Used: 0
5:54 brain buster
8:46 with 46 misses on bb
6:30 on bb with 25 misses
You finished the puzzle in 7:42
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 25
Reveals Used: 0
7 min. on brain buster! Sally Geary
6 minutes Expert – still fun!
2:45. The dreaded sky has returned! Keep ’em comin’…
You finished the puzzle in 5:01
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 42
2:01 with 5 misplacements. That sky was a killer!
4:20 but with NO missed pieces! Happy Monday, everyone!
2:29 – 5 misses. the sky was hard!
2:45 several misses but it was fun
1:48, 2 missed
3:11 1 missed piece in the sky
1:50 with 1 miss. Good one.
2:50 with one miss. Sky was rough.
1:58 with 1 miss.
2:58 sky gave me trouble
2:21 w/2 missed pieces
2:44 3 w/sky misses
2:28,** With 4 misses,all the sky.
3:14. The sky was the most difficult part of this puzzle. I misplaced a couple of the blue pieces. Also, I was in no hurry to finish. It’s a beautiful picture!
2:53 – sky was clouds 🙂
2:01 but 4 misses on the sky!
2:32 with 1 miss.
2:03 with 3 missed placements in the sand and sky. Nice beach. I’ve been to Hawaii’s beaches but not Florida’s.
2:30 with three misses.
a good Monday Puzzle, Thank you!
that sky was crazy hard to distinguish – so much blue almost identical in color. 7 mispacements
2:03 3 missed placements. Interesting picture.
4:12 no missed
What a cute tower …wish I was there !!!
I enjoyed this puzzle. Very pretty scenery . I missed 3 of the sky. Hard to tell the difference in the last 3.
Didn’t miss any in the sky……….. well, that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it !!
4:47 with 10 missed pieces. Grew up in Florida but only visited Miami International Airport as 12-13 year old as my Mom, brother, and I flew to Puerto Rico spend a couple of months with Dad as he worked to renovate housing at Ramey AFB. Web all returned home in time for the start of the new school year.
I can assure you the beaches in South Florida cannot rival the beauty of the Emerald Coast in Northwest Florida, though not as widely celebrated as Miami.
Finished in 2:58 but it says I missed 8 placements. Sky was hard, those were the misses.
3:18. Not too bad w/1 miss placement. Love the beach. Wish I was there.
2:29 with no mistakes. 🙂
1:50 with no errors on normal. I image that sky would be rough with more pieces. Surf’s up!
sky gave me a real hard time – 10 misses were all with those sky pieces
4:40 took a bit for the sky. Could have been worse I guess.
Oops, forgot to say I missed 9placements
good one
3:24 no misses
3:27 Lovely scene!
What am I doing here? I should be there.
No misses. There were faint streaks in the sky and different shades.
2:59…Last few of the sky messed me up. Love these, though.