May Flowers
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9:39 with 19 missed placings, on brain buster. I’m shocked, as I thought I was cruising right along. I didn’t check, but I’m pretty sure I finished the can in about 3 minutes. I must have dozed off for a bit after that, but I don’t remember.
2:35 and yes to the watering can question!!
2:52 Can was easy; flowers were harder.
You finished the puzzle in 4:47
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
Does anyone still use a watering bucket?
2:28, yes, I use a watering can in some instances.
You finished the puzzle in 8:21
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
9:42 on bb with 0 misses
3.33 with no misses and no reveals. Yahoo! Beautiful puzzle! I yearn for spring…and yes I still use a sprinkling can!
3:34 Good Puzzle, nice colors. Used to have a can like that but left it out in the winter, it filled with snow & water and split open!
Really nice pic. Keep ’em comin’!
1:49 and one miss. I grow the best weeds on my block. No brag, just fact
2:46, the flowers were hard, but fun!
7:08 on bb with 0 missed
3:44 – one miss.
Are there any metal ones left anymore?
This one was tough
2.59 with no reveals or missed pieces. These are fun!
2:09 didn’t miss one. No reveals on this one. Felt it was fairly easy.
1:53 w/ one miss. Good job PEF at 1:49!
Dang those flowers messed me up.. ha ha but it was fun..
Took my time. Slow but fun
2:45 Can was easy. Pretty flowers.
not bad today 2:50 with one misplaced.
2:41 Love the May flowers and the rain!
3:58 with 2 misplacements. Flowers everywhere!
3.28 and 1 missed
2:52 a little more than my average time
2:20! woot woot today!
I got notified that I may be facing a $500.00 fine because my “WEEDS” are over 12′” tall, and I must trim them down or remove them all by noon tomorrow. THOSE ARE FLOWERS!! Government at all levels is evil. The only department that has worked properly for the last 248 years is the, “…well regulated militia…” Their 2 primary jobs are to kill people, and wreck their stuff.
2:57 with a miss.
2:17 With several misses.
2:03 no misses