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9:17 on bb with 1 miss
14:49 on brain buster. I only had 3 misplaced up until I reached the point where I only the gray concrete left. Then I had 17 more for a total of 20 misplaced. Didn’t care for the bluriness, where only the lead runner was in focus, but still, an interesting challenge.
You finished the puzzle in 11:08
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
A tough one! I thought twice about trying the BB level, thinking I might be here on the computer for an hour, lol, but always love the challenge, too. Agree, the blurriness was not fun, but the pavement was really hard trying to see a pattern in the pieces. That’s where it got me with the 2 missed placements.
Healthy New Year Everyone! :-}
11:41 with 1 miss on the bb
10:37 in BB, no misses, no reveals!
You finished the puzzle in 6:44
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 23
Reveals Used: 0
Couldn’t catch a break on the road.
No misses on expert level! Of course, it took 10:44, and that was with practicing by doing the easier levels first. I don’t dare try the bb today.
9:20 on bb with 0 misses
You finished the puzzle in 7:33
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 12
1:59 – no misses! Challenging, but fun.
Happy New Year!
5:22 Hard – no misses!!! (a first!)
5:43. Seemed hard. If it were happening today in E. Wa. There would be snow!
3:47 with one miss! The pavement pieces at the bottom were the hardest. I tip my hat to JBC for a time less than two minutes!
3:14… Blurry pictures are difficult…
Difficult; lots of blurred images in the puzzle. My eyes have trouble with blurry images.
2:09..They sure waited long enough to put the puzzle on today.
Enjoyed the puzzle today, Good Monday Morning challenge, Thanks!
3:53 Not a good time. I didn’t like the blurry picture.
2:35 – few misplacements, mostly in the dark gray pavement
2:55 no misses. Too blurry in places.
too easy. time 1:50 with two misses. I sure enjoy these every week.
This was a tough one on my phone. 4:51 with five misplaced pieces. Still, I enjoyed he challenge and am guessing the other puzzles and end of week quiz will be challenging since my knowledge of marathons is pretty limited. I hope everyone’s doing well as we begin the new year.
3:27 but 3 mis-placed. Made my eyes hurt
Oh that I could run a marathon!! No way I can.
2:43 w/3 missed placements.
2:05 3 misses
2:22 Also with three missed pieces.
2:40 3 misplacements, 2 in the bottom left corner, the last and hardest pieces. Quite the challenge. But not as much as running a marathon. I admire those who can do this, but this was never on my bucket list.
7:28 Slow, like I’d be if I was running that marathon.
2:51 no misses, this one was pretty easy for me
2:48 1 miss
3:36 w/1 misplacement. Those two on the bottom left corner were the ones that got me.
3:38 Thought this one was hard.
3:33 with 1 miss, the street was hard to see.
3:18 No misses no reveals!
3:01 with 2 misses. Tough one today.
2:52 with 2 misses
2:04 1 miss
2:32 with no misses. I have never run a marathon and the second verse to that song is I have no intention to do so either 🙂
1:58 with 1 misplacement. But happy the games are back.
3:27 with one miss.. not so easy ha ha
2:26, not fast but fun!
4:44, but was interrupted by my husband leaving for his shop….thanks buddy.
Got it..2:19 no help. Love puzzles.
3:01…not toooo bad for a grouchy ol’ impatient guy……..
2:39 Not great but I enjoy the puzzles.
You finished the puzzle in 2:49Stats:Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 1:41
Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 3
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 1:46Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0