La Belle France
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8:38 on bb with 0 misses
8:09 with 3 misses on the bb
09:56 with 1 misplaced piece; B.B. level
BB 9:25, 4 misses
3:13 expert, no misses!! My best so far.
You finished the puzzle in 2:40
Difficulty: Hard
Missed Placements: 4
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 7:29
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 6:43
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 7
2:20 no misses
2:15 with no misses. Have a great week.
1:20 No misses. Never been to France, but such a beautiful picture.
whoo hoo 1:13 no misses
1:46..With no help.Great way to start a Monday.Have a blessed week everyone
2:13 yay
3:52 had to slow down to prevent misplaced pieces.
2:48 w/1 error. Hopefully I will be able to make a comment tomorrow.
3:24 No misses
4:48 Very pretty but kinda hard!
3:07 No misses loved the colors
Great picture! And I will enjoy this week’s subject matter!
4:27 So much harder on my phone. Never been to France, but my grandmother was Cajun French from South Louisiana. French was her first language. She attended French school. My high school French and her Cajun French were not quite the same.
2:58 and no errors… Not feelin’ bad about it at all… 🙂
Thanks for today’s challenge, I enjoyed it
4:50 with one misplaced piece. Much easier on my PC vs phone which I usually use for these puzzles. Still misplace a portion of the pavement.
2:30 Not so easy. Fun puzzle.
2:26 with 2 misplacements
3:46 with 1 misplacement
4:37. Paris always makes me think about that horrible, brutal, French Revolution.
3:21 with 1 misplacement. This was a hard one.
2:39, no misses or reveals.
For an Italian in France, not bad!
1:55, 2 misses.
Nice photo angle of the Tower, on an autumn day as well!
3:13 this one was tough. Lots of fussy detail.
3:28….took me a while, but no missed pieces.
3:39. J’aime Paris.
France always reminds me of my uncle quietly resting in the US section of the Normandy cemetery
You finished the puzzle in 2:35
Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Keep ’em comin’!
2:16 good puzzle. Would make a great postcard.
You finished the puzzle in 4:48
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 8
You finished the puzzle in 5:28
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 5
Why is it called the Eiffel Tower? Because if you go to the top, you get an “eye full” of Paris!