Fast Food
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6:51 on bb with 0 misses
7:19 with 0 misses on bb
11 min. & 12 sec. on BB 12 misses Sally Geary
7:35 0n brain buster…1 miss because it jumped to
the spot above …guess I let go too soon
6:55 and no misses on the bb
You finished the puzzle in 8:43
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used:
Mmmmm, wings and fries!! My mouth is watering and I’m craving them! I should never do these food puzzles when I’m hungry! I just put on 3 pounds doing the puzzle, lol.
9:43 on brain buster, with 6 misplaced. I’m getting better.
BB 8:40 No misses, no reveals
You finished the puzzle in 8:52
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 7:10
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
2:27..1 miss,I don’t eat a lot of fast food.
2:19 no misses
8:20 w/43 misses. I’m becoming a pro (lol)
2:16. Made me hungry.
2:46 no misses. Now I’m hungry.
2:15…no misses
4:59 great way to start Monday.
1:30 my best ever
3:27 with no misses. Too much time studying the details.
3:51 with no misses. This one was big fun!
4:48 two misplaced 🙁
2:36, no missed tiles. Kind of difficult, making it fun. Love the colors.
4:51 No missed clicks, and half blind in right eye!
2:38 4 misses
3:50 and no misses.
3:29 With 1 miss. Slow and steady. A tasty, but not very healthy, food display. Not very appealing right after Thanksgiving.
3:51 no misses
3:12. No misses
3:07 and that reminds, I skipped lunch today.
2:38 and no misses.
2:20 w/1 missed placement.
3:56 no misses
4:41 with 1 misplacement, though I don’t know where, may have dropped it early while moving into place. Hope this doesn’t label me as a fast food nut. My wife tries to keep me on track with healthy dishes at home. Done on my phone.
6:03 Slowpoke. Thought I was improving but I was wrong I guess.
3:30 No misses!
2:31….pretty good for me
2:31 but I’d say that bacon needs cooking 🙂
Certainly not my fastest at 3:40 but no misses..really took my time and enjoyed the puzzle.
Nice spread
2:55 with a couple of interruptions.. looks delicious to me.. a real treat..
4:35. Yum, makes me hungry!
4:31 with 6 miss’s, fries look mighty good.
Nice. Love the puzzles with loads of texture and color clues.
2:22 no misses….really good for me. Must be hungry 🙂
This week of fast food has been very interesting and comments quite good. I wonder how many millennials and Z’s will give up their acquired taste for fast food to ‘go green’. No one’s quite thought through the supply chain; farmers and ranchers began raising more livestock when America’s fast food desire exploded. Easy to say, hard to do…just saying, food for thought -no calories (;)
Interesting in that once you take a hiatus from eating fast food, it is no longer appealing. Eating fresh and healthy is much more scrumptious! Last McDonald’s run for me was 1992, got ill after trying to push down their green/blue eggs.
1:49 Fast Food Faster Results!