Wow the more you play the better you do. 4:10 with no mistakes. I’m sure others will do better, but for me
this is getting better. I was never into puzzles until I started playing AMAC puzzles. Keep up the great work.
5 years ago
3:47.Im getting better every week.
Elizabeth Murphy
5 years ago
2:17 A new record for me!
5 years ago
I enjoy putting the puzzles together
5 years ago
I’d rather take a beating than do stuff like this, but I am enjoying THESE………
Richard Hanyok
4 years ago
Are You Ready to Begin the Puzzle?
The Puzzle Is Currently Paused
Wait! Are you sure you want to give up?
How to Play
Choose a difficulty level
Easy - 16 pieces
Normal - 25 pieces
Hard - 36 pieces
Expert - 49 pieces
Brain Buster - 64 pieces
Drag individual puzzle pieces on the correct locations of the gray image to complete the entire image
Use the 'Reveal' option to automatically place a single piece
Use 'Give Up' to instantly solve the remaining puzzle
10:01 on bb with 0 misses
17:31 3 misses on buster
You finished the puzzle in 8:40
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 5:04
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 10
You finished the puzzle in 5:09
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
You finished the puzzle in 7:26
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 10
Wow the more you play the better you do. 4:10 with no mistakes. I’m sure others will do better, but for me
this is getting better. I was never into puzzles until I started playing AMAC puzzles. Keep up the great work.
3:47.Im getting better every week.
2:17 A new record for me!
I enjoy putting the puzzles together
I’d rather take a beating than do stuff like this, but I am enjoying THESE………