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Twenty-one (21) seconds flat. Oh wait that was for the first piece. Sorry.
4:39 Definitely need some new glasses. Stay safe out there and know that you are loved.
7:09 – no missed placements, no reveals. Goal is to do it right the first time and not worry about time.
12:09 on bb with 0 misses
11:25 with 22 misses on the bb
10:54 on brain buster with 10 misplaced. One of them was an accidental drop.
You finished the puzzle in 7:08
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
9:20 on bb no misplaced pieces. That’s after being knocked out part of the day for surgery.
2:27. Happy Monday gang!
You finished the puzzle in 4:25
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 8
10:54, with 10 misplaced. Tried to enter this but it said my entry was too short!!!!!!!?
4:13 was a hard one today, but beautiful! Wish they would tell us the locations of these pics.
6:43 expert, a fun one!!
3:27..With 1 miss.Wasn’t quite as hard as I thought it was going to be.You guys be happy with a blessed day.
3:17 this was a hard one.
Stats:Difficulty: Hard
Missed Placements: 1Reveals Used: 0
How come you have to start the game first and then change the difficulty? The clock is already ticking while you’re changing it!!
4:20 no miss. lots of fun!
2:58 no reveals or misplaced pieces. Beautiful mountain scene!!
2:20 A little easier for me because of the contrasts in the picture. Very pretty photo !
2:29 I’ll never duplicate that.
254 no misses
1:59 !!!
5:10 Doing this one carefully with all those tricky colors. It was fun.
2:58 – No misses/reveals. Nice picture. Just returned from Alaska. Saw a lot of similar mountains. What’s with all of the minus ones below??
4;14 Took me quite a while. Beautiful picture. Wonder where this is.
My black and white picture showed up very small today, which definitely made it harder. Still a good time. Beautiful mountains, and water, and canoes.
2:44…no misses. Goodnight everyone!
4:29 Pretty rough.
5:18 and 1 miss.
3:12 Too cautious, no misses.
3:45 one miss.
8:13 with three misplaced pieces. A beautiful photo but tough to distinguish images in the lower portion of the picture. Though not a fan of cold and snow I love the beauty of snow capped m
3:21 w1 missed piece. Where is the location? Yes, Canada.
5:32 tough one
Wow. No misses but took me 4:06! Harder than usual.
2:10, no misses. Good time for me.
This one is tough! But what a great picture! I will really enjoy this week’s subject.
2:30, beautiful scenery!
2:56, no misses
what natural beauty. 2:37 with one miss.
4:51 I had missed placements though. Thought this one was hard, but so beautiful!