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8:57 with 0 misses on bb
9 min. and 3o sec. on bb sally Geary
7:24 with no misses on the bb
6:55 on BB 1 miss
8:30 on Brain Buster with 1 miss. Great puzzle. Easy in some places but then it got difficult trying to match the busy parts. But, that’s NYC, a very busy place!
You finished the puzzle in 6:58
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Thought I would try it again to try to beat my time from 3 days ago. Success! Love these puzzles!
2:08…and no sky! Keep ’em comin’….
BB 8:28 no misses
You finished the puzzle in 6:32
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 5:51
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
2:40***With one miss placement..It wasn’t quite as scary as I thought it would be.
2:00 Very easy.
4:02 – took awhile but mostly due to phone call in middle…love the picture and all those shows!!
Have seen almost all of them! Love Broadway! Fun puzzle
Fun! Great way to begin this week…wait, Thanksgiving is next week!
5:00, not bad for a Monday!
NYC, use to be a fun place to visit. Not anymore. Couldn’t pay me enough to ever go back. In the 1960s, enjoyed seeing Ethel Merman’s “ Annie Get Your Gun” ” , Florence Henderson in “ South Pacific”, John Raitt in “ Carousel “…Going to both Yankee & Shea stadiums.. Now you can’t even enjoy Times Square without some yahoos shooting at each other..sad that the Big Apple became rotten.
3:48 no misses…Not a great time..
2:46 easier than most, no reveals or mis-placed
My brain worked hard for 3:14 minutes. no missed placements!!
2:15 – no misses! This was a really fun one!
6:19 by slowpoke. Enjoyed the puzzle. Too bad NYC is not what it used to be.
1:52….I’m glad I live in a small town. Looks too busy and noisy for me!
2:38 no misses (one of my quickest)
2:53, no helps. A good one for me!
2:28 no misses
2:14 no misses. Not bad.
Thank you for the puzzle, enjoyed it!
3:40 Took a while. Very busy picture. I’ve never been there and have no desire to go.
3:26 no misses.
4:13 Even with the letters matching! Lol
3:22 no misses, no reveals
2:31… not too bad for me.
2:36 Lots going on with this puzzle
2:10 Pretty good for me.
This one was a bit tough on my phone. 6:13 with two missed pieces.
2:27 Easier than it looks!
interesting picture!
2:43, very busy photo
Wow, quite a range of production times. The titles I recognize go from the 50’s to the present.
2:46 ran out of pieces ha ha
3:24. Not very fast on this one.
3:05 – Okay – seemed like i went faster than that but I’ll take it. I am happy when I have no misses.
You finished the puzzle in 3:05
Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
3:21…little longer for me this time
2:08 Nice puzzle!
You finished the puzzle in 2:33
You finished the puzzle in 1:43
Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0