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8:31 on bb with 1 miss
You finished the puzzle in 7:21
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 7
Reveals Used: 0
The beauty of the photo was very distracting… I thoroughly enjoyed doing this puzzle and might just do it several times. Gorgeous!
2:05…I love America! May God bless America as we turn back to Him! ???
7:33 in expert mode with 8 misses. Come on people. Try to challenge your brain. Do the expert. You will love it!
2:33. God bless America and god bless president Trump!
You finished the puzzle in 5:35
Difficulty: Expert
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
These are so much fun! What a beautiful picture!
2:19..I love this beautiful Eagle, the symbol of our amazing country!! God bless our land that we love so much!!
You finished the puzzle in 5:48
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 7
You finished the puzzle in 5:27
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 6
Love this one!
3:16 – I liked this one…. 🙂
America the beautiful
2:44 Beautiful picture
2:30 Not as difficult as I thought it would be…What a Majestic looking bird of prey. I’m glad it was decided that the Eagle would be our national symbol and not the Turkey as Ben Franklin had suggested..
2:31. Beautiful representation!
3:25 I just took the time To enjoy ‘this one.
2:55… One of my better times. Awesome picture.
2.03 min. That one was fun!
3:58. Have a great week folks!!
2:54 no misses. Awesome bird, I’ve seen eagles up close and watched as one took a fish out of a local lake.
That was something I will never forget !!
2″39 one misplaced
3:34 No misplacements. Nice picture.
2:36. I love the majestic Eagle.Looks like freedom.God bless the USA
Thank you for this one!!
We are not sheeple, we are EAGLES!
A great image of the eagle and our American flag!!
3:00 Very nice.
2:14 and what a beautiful reward at the end! God bless America.
3:06 God Bless America!
i’m slow 3.04
Loved seeing this kind of puzzle! Time wasn’t all that great (9:16) but loved doing it.
Woohoo 1:57 my best yet. Great picture.
2:27 God Bless America! Beautiful picture, thank you.
love this picture. Beautiful and inspiring
You finished the puzzle in 4:32
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 4
That was an easy one…loved it
1:49 with no missed pieces. One of my best! Beautiful picture!
The American Wild Turkey should have been the national symbol. The wild turkey is more beautiful than the eagle and is not a scavenger like the eagle. The eagle is a majestic bird for sure but old Ben Franklin had it right !
All my time is using the up and down arrows, therefore, my time on these puzzles are high.
1 miss
Keep ’em comin’…..!
1:46 no misses