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Forensic Audit of the Dominion Voting Equipment in Michigan Shows ‘Intentional Errors’

Posted on Tuesday, December 15, 2020
by Outside Contributor

dominionWhile you need an ID to buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, buy lottery tickets, enter a nightclub, get on an airplane, buy a house or rent an apartment, buy a car and get car insurance, we don’t require an ID to choose who will be our next President? It turns out, thanks to our Operation Iraqi Freedom, that the elections in Iraq are more secure than ours. There, they use strong multifactor authentication–one real fingerprint, one real ID, and one real registered voter who shows up in person.

Under the cover of COVID-19, numerous states in the United States were able to sneak in last minute—and in many cases illegal—ways to vote in our election. Hundreds of thousands of “mail-in ballots” would appear and be cast even after midnight of Nov. 3. This opened the door for nation-state interference, especially when boxes of pristine ballots with only one name marked could show up in the wee hours of the night after one candidate was in the lead to reclaim another four years in office. But this is just the tip of the iceberg in voter fraud.

A team of cybersecurity and computer forensic experts at Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) performed an independent forensic audit of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in just one county, Antrim County, Michigan, for the 2020 election.

Remember, this equipment was sold to and used in 28 states for the U.S. elections this year. Texas refused to purchase this equipment when they found it too vulnerable and risky because it could easily be tampered with to change election results.

The ASOG team, led by Russell J. Ramsland, Jr., found that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systematic fraud and influence election results. For example, while the allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission ( guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008 percent), ASOG’s forensic analysis observed an error rate of 68.05 percent, which is a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.

As I previously stated in my interview with The Epoch Times’ Joshua Phillip, in this regard the biggest problem we are facing when it comes to election fraud is the massive deployment of the Dominion Voting System, which contains proprietary algorithms. It appears from the AOG team’s audit, that these algorithms produce such high error rates, it can only mean one thing–election fraud.

For example, in Central Lake Township, there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96 percent rejection rate. These reversed ballots are sent to “adjudication” for a decision to be made by election personnel. When such a staggering number of votes require adjudication, the biggest problem includes integrity and chain of custody issues. It makes it easy to “flip” votes without any supervision en masse. In past elections, the rejection rates were so low, this was a minor risk, whereas now, it is a major risk and most likely one of the means of exploitation that took place to defraud one candidate out of a massive number of votes that would have been in his favor. The video below demonstrates how easy it is to cheat at adjudication:

As I’ve been saying for months, can Dominion be hacked? Yes. Can you feed Dominion “test stacks” with only one candidate, i.e. just Joe Biden marked? Yes. Can those be counted as legitimate results? Yes. Can entire batches of Trump votes be purged? Yes. But don’t take it from me, take it directly from Dominon’s User Guide, found here.

In the ASOG audit, all log entries for the 2020 election cycle were found missing in the Dominion equipment they analyzed—meanwhile voter adjudication logs for previous years exist. Removal of these log files violates state laws and prevents a meaningful audit, even if the Secretary of State’s office wanted to conduct its own audit.

It takes an even deeper dive into the hard drive, with very expensive forensic tools, usually only used by the CIA, NSA, and FBI to find any “ghosted” evidence of the deleted adjudication log entries. A crime was absolutely committed in how these systems were “cleaned up.” Even the security logs, prior to 11:30 pm on Nov. 4, 2020, were found missing, meaning security logs for the day prior to the election, on election day and the day after the election were all deleted. It was also discovered by the ASOG audit that on Nov. 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results, showing more attempted tampering with the data.

The ASOG audit also discovered software changes on Oct. 23, 2020, and then again on Nov. 5, 2020, just after the election. In accordance with the Help America Vote Act, this violates the 90-day Safe Harbor period which prohibits changes to election systems, without these systems undergoing recertification.

Furthermore, these voting systems should not be allowed to be connected to the internet and should have all wired and wireless internet functionality disabled. During the ASOG audit, they also discovered internet connections were live on this equipment. Because certain log files were deleted, as of date, they have not yet learned the source of internet connectivity, nor what data collection, updates, or changes were made remotely.

Finally, because the same equipment was used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts significant doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan. I’m sure that with more Dominion equipment being audited, it would cast a dark shadow across 30 state elections. Only time will tell but ultimately the truth does come out, one way or another.

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3 years ago

So, the truth does come out one way or another does it? … If so, than President Trump won re-election in a landslide but sometimes the truth doesn’t always prevail! The Progressively Communist Democrats would stop at nothing to oust President Trump and I fear We the People are going to have to do more than strenuously object to Biden being elected because Communists play for keeps. Are We willing to fight or will we just cry foul? President Trump WON by a vast majority and this “majority” needs action, not words! So, what’s next People?

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

In 2020, the evidence proved that President Trump got well over 60% of the Vote, Biden almost none, and the DemocRats less than 40%!! And then, the FRAUD reversed the true results!!! Refuse the STEAL!!! Form a new Political Party – The Freedom Pasty!!! President Trump and have consolidated the base!!!! The American Revolution 2.0.!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The evidence of the 2020 election proves that President Trump got well over 60% of the Vote, Biden almost none, and the DemocRats less than 40%!! And then, the FRAUD reversed the true results!!! The Congress and the Supreme Court have rejected the TRUTH!!! When President Trump leaves, the Federal Government become illegitimate!!! Anyone who joins Biden’s Illegitimate Cabinet will be Illegitimate!!! Refuse the Steal!!!! Form a new Political Party – The Freedom Pasty!!! President Trump and have consolidated the base!!!!The American Revolution 2.0.!!!!!

3 years ago

This is Very disheartening that an American President that HAS put America first and done his obligations above and beyond what is expected is in jeopardy of not being rewarded for his and his supporters because of what is a apparent Hate towards true and honest success and looks very bad for young generations that as long as you tell someone enough that your way is the right way makes it right and if you don’t agree with it that your a problem that needs to be censored is freighting to America.

3 years ago

The day America died. Bye bye our American pride. Stole our election and our freedom and Democracy died.
Took our honor, and our justice, and American pride.
This will be the day we died.
This will be the day we cried.

The people responsible should be tried and convicted for treason. Punishment I believe was death by hanging…..???? Heads of the corrupt news corporations included. Their licences to broadcast should be revoked.

Charles Vito
Charles Vito
3 years ago

Trump won. Election was rigged. Cancel culture hides the truth. Big wigs involved in fraud, big players, lots of influence. Without election integrity we lose our republic.

3 years ago

it’s not the people that casts the votes that wins the election, it’s the people that count the votes that win the election- Joseph Stalin

George Sullivan
George Sullivan
3 years ago

I would like to make sure that we have an election audit in NYS. How can I help?

nunya bidness
nunya bidness
1 year ago

This is a pure propoganda site,

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