AMAC in the Media

Dr. Ben Carson Believes ‘We the People’ Will Save Our Country

Posted on Friday, April 14, 2023
AMAC, John Grimaldi

He told Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, during a recent episode of AMAC’s Better For America podcast, that the president would “always say to me, Ben, aren’t you glad you didn’t win. And I would say, the only thing for the left that’s worse than Satan is a Black conservative. They don’t like that at all, because you’re not supposed to be able to think for yourself. And if you don’t follow a certain pattern, you’re a race traitor. You’re an Uncle Tom. Your every name that they can come up with.  And it flies in the face of their narrative that you’re supposed to be a victim, that the system is supposed to be systemically racist, it’s supposed to be against you, and you’re not supposed to be able to achieve at the highest levels.”

Long before he joined the Trump Administration Dr. Carson was widely applauded for his accomplishments in the field of medicine. But that all changed when he revealed his conservative, pro-Trump focus. As he put it, they would say things like, “he must be crazy.” But the fact is that “there are a lot more people who are starting to think for themselves. You know, when I went to conservative gatherings, I used to be the only black face there. And that’s not the case anymore by a long shot. I think that’s good because, we need to get back to the place that Dr. King dreamed about, where people would be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin.”

Dr. Carson expressed his concern about America’s future during his interview. “There are a lot of people who actually have the right thoughts and the right belief systems, but they have a tendency to stand in a corner looking at issues rather than getting out there and being vocal. And that’s so important because the reason that the leftists are able to achieve so much is because they don’t seem to have any opposition,” he said. His concern about the fate of the nation prompted him to establish the American Cornerstone Institute [ACI]. Dr. Carson and the Institute believe that “now is the time to stand firmly in support of America’s founding principles and pursue common sense solutions that challenge conventional groupthink. With independent research, grassroots outreach, and collaboration with state and local entities, faith-based groups, and private organizations, ACI will work to heal the divisiveness that plagues our nation’s politics.”

Among other initiatives, the Institute offers free online resources to counter leftist propaganda designed to undermine American history in an effort to recruit our youngest citizens such as the movement known as the Critical Race Theory. CRT is a progressive effort focused on teaching our kids a distorted version of our nation’s founding. ACI says its Little Patriots Learning platform, for example, provides lessons, at-home activities, patriotic books, and sing-a-longs to teach children about our country’s founding principles.

As Dr. Carson put it, we have all of “these 1619 people and CRT people who just want to take the bad stuff and they want to build everything around the bad stuff and say that that’s who we really are. How absurd is that? If America is really such a horrible place, why are all these people trying to get in here? And when they get here, wouldn’t they call all their friends and relatives and say, ‘don’t come here, this is a horrible place.’ No, you’re getting just the opposite of that. And that should tell you quite a bit about America. So we just have to be willing to state the obvious, state the facts boldly. And you know what I find with the leftists is usually t

hey don’t have much of an argument and they resort to calling you names.”

In conclusion, he pointed out that the American Cornerstone Institute is “not just a think tank, it’s also a ‘do tank.’ We do stuff because we can’t just sit around and talk and think we really need to do things and create programs and mechanisms whereby people can get involved. And I think we all want to save our country. It was Benjamin Franklin who said after 1787, after the Constitutional convention, ‘what do we have here, a monarchy or a republic?’ And he said, ‘a republic, if you can keep it.’ We’ve kept it for over 240 years. We’re as close to losing it now as we have ever been. But if it’s going to be saved, it’s going to be saved by ‘we the people.’ It’s not going to be saved by the government. It’s going to be saved by the people, armed with the Constitution.”

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1 year ago

I would vote for Dr. Carson with full confidence he would get America back on a globally respected tract!

Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
1 year ago

Troll of Many Names smoke too much wacky tobacky.

1 year ago

I do not believe that the people can possibly save America any more. For one thing, there are too many who agree with the left and support globalism. Secondly, the left (globalists) will stop at nothing to get their agenda of a one-world government in place by 2030 which is the goal of Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Thirdly, it is not Biblical. America can only be saved by Jesus and his return at the Rapture to save his church. The demo/socialists are not just “bad people”. They are evil people controlled by Satan and his minions like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the other Demos.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

We the people can definitely win the people back if we just educate the children. Educate and educate each other.

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
1 year ago

In my opinion, it will take another revolutionary war to gain back our country. We are too far gone to think another election will surely end this Communist rule. Biden is a dictator surrounded by comrades who are as corrupt as he and his family and they are all gleefully going about destroying every thing good here. They do not bat an eyelash at the inhumanity at our border, they are thrilled by canceling conservatives, they encourage crime and racism. In other words, they will do anything to get us all under their control. This upcoming “election” won’t give us new leaders who love our country and its citizens. The Communists in DC, state and local governments will simply buy votes as they have been doing for years. They own the justice system through corruption so there is no one who can stop them.

1 year ago

Sadly, conservatives, religious folks, and a vast majority of our institutions have polluted the minds of young Americans using race, abortion, flagrant lies (not sweet lies, but destructive lies), by indoctrination to empower themselves. I applaud Dr. Carson for his vision that ‘We The People’ need to change our outlook framed by duplicitous rhetoric or propaganda. If the so-called media, big tech, corrupt politicians, financial and educational institutions think they will be spared the turmoil they are creating, than the old adage ‘pointing a finger at someone results in three fingers coming back at you’. When one builds a trap, he or she forgets, and then later finds himself or herself falling into the trap. Like Dr. Carson, I am still hopeful that ‘We The People’ shall rise up and cast the votes wisely instead of foolishly voting because of political party.

Frank Cowles
Frank Cowles
1 year ago

Great man Dr Carson , like the way he reasons .

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