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Chief Woke Officers Take Over Corporate America

Posted on Monday, September 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


Mitch McConnell tried to warn them. He said that “If I were running a major corporation, I would stay out of politics” and stop “behaving like a woke parallel government.”

Yet corporations continue to preach endlessly about “systemic racism” and “equity,” and their actions are more indicative of left-wing activist groups than a legitimate business.

Starbucks, for example, suspended its own policy against issue-advocacy to allow employees to wear Black Lives Matter clothes.

American Airlines, Netflix, General Motors, BlackRock, and Amazon signed a letter calling election integrity bills “discriminatory.”

Bank of America, FedEx, and Pepsi pulled their sponsorships from the Washington Redskins (now the Washington Football Team) to protest the team’s allegedly “racist” name.

Nike, Facebook, General Mills, IBM, Pfizer, Google, T-Mobile, Microsoft, Target, Uber, and Verizon, among many others, all signed a letter opposing legislative efforts to keep biological men from competing in women’s sports.

The list goes on and on and on.

A recent series of powerful ads funded by Consumers’ Research even called out some woke companies by name and pointed out their contradictions and hypocrisy.

Ironically, behind these ultra-woke corporations are ultra-tame corporate leaders. In their own lives, they usually reap the benefits of traditional, even conservative lifestyles, with higher marriage rates, lower divorce rates, and a focus on work and family. And they certainly don’t seem eager to implement aggressive racial or gender “equity” in their own corporate C-suites. There are only four Black CEOs in the Fortune 500 and fewer than fifty women.

Moreover, while their companies have effectively become mouthpieces for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, most corporate executives themselves avoid political activism. They don’t spew woke platitudes on Twitter because they’re not on Twitter. A study found that, among Fortune 500 CEOs, only 36 had a Twitter account. While CEOs are more than willing to put out a statement under their company’s name paying lip service to whatever left-wing crusade is fashionable at the moment, they’re generally much less willing to tie their own name to it.

The executives cut big checks to politicians, though, right? No, they really don’t. Among Fortune 100 CEOs, for example, only six donated to the campaigns of Donald Trump or Joe Biden in 2020. Even during the 2018 midterms, when CEOs had an opportunity to make far more donations to far more candidates (and do it under the radar, far away from a presidential election), among Fortune 500 CEOs, only 35 gave more than $100,000 and more than half gave nothing at all.  

Among those who do donate, plenty of them support Republicans and Republican groups.

What gives? Why do Chief Executive Officers usually run their lives like sensible businesspeople but run their companies like Chief Woke Officers?

It boils down to one simple truth: they’re afraid of the people they hire.

They look out at their company, and who holds the real power? Overeducated, Rachel Maddow-watching, walking HR departments—often actually working in HR. 

Woke radicalism has gone mainstream by seizing the once bland world of Human Resources at the innermost layer inside organizations. Now, they’re subverting institutions from within.

As a result, even middle-of-the-road personnel policies today include statements on “equity,” “inclusion,” and even “anti-racism” as standard-issue boilerplate. Far from the traditional HR responsibilities of hiring, firing, and training personnel, today’s HR departments are the woke police of corporate America, enforcing rigid adherence to leftist ideology. Any dissent, even from corporate leadership, is not tolerated. Ever fearful of being tried in the court of public opinion, CEOs and other executives, ostensibly the most powerful people in the company and some of the most powerful people in the country, submit.

CEOs, always more concerned with investor-relations and long-term projects than HR policies, now face a choice.

Do they stand up for what they probably know is common-sense, and fire the mouth-breathers more suited to running a freshman seminar on protest art than running a company?

Or do they take the easier road—surrender to the enemy within, keep cashing their checks, and hope the woke mob cancels someone else?

We’ve seen their answer. Again and again and again. They cave.

Yet while purging companies of radical activists would likely lead to some short-term backlash on Twitter and in the media, it would undoubtedly lead to a healthier business environment in the long-term – and better the lives of employees who just want to earn a living without being unwillingly co-opted into progressive political activism. Unfortunately, thus far, executives have shown a complete unwillingness to do so, apparently content to cede their companies to leftists as long as they can continue collecting a large paycheck.

Woke liberals and the HR departments they run have taken over companies. Now, with CEOs in their grasp, they’re taking over America.

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3 years ago

Its how Communism bullies people into submission. These CEOs are either Communist themselves or scared of the Communists. BLM and the Gender Screw- up crowd are nothing more than Communist operatives brainwashed into a Culture War just like China had their Culture war against the older generation, where millions were murdered, and its all steered and instigated by Communists who use these people as “Useful Idiots”!! Don’t drink the Red Kool-Aid and don’t be a Useful Idiot. Think for yourselves. Know that very bad, greedy, people who own the Media are trying to brainwash you to your own destruction. The Media is the Enemy. Don’t listen to it, don’t watch it and destroy it now!!

Jaxson Bates
1 year ago

This is my first time pay a quick visit at here and i am really happy to read everthing at one place

Maleah Spears
1 year ago

Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.

3 years ago

See help. You need it…

3 years ago

Almost all the corporations mentioned in this article are headed by big financial supporters of Democrats. Look at their public disclosure docs regarding campaign donations and you’ll see where they all line up solidly in the Democrat column. So it is no surprise that their corporate culture also reflects “woke” values and parrots Democrat talking points.

It is also interesting to note that virtually every single corporation mentioned in this article has either existing business ties with the Chinese marketplace or a strong desire to stay on the good side of China’s CCP to gain access to the Chinese marketplace of 1.4 billion people. That is a strong incentive for these companies to support whatever the Democrats say or do, as the CCP has been very open is stating a strong preference to keep Democrats in power here. Shared values and all that.

The CCP both hated and feared President Trump, because he stood up to them and threatened to impede their plans for global domination. The Republican party prior to Trump made a lot of speeches about standing up to China, but their actions never matched the rhetoric and China was always allowed to do pretty much as they pleased. The CCP far prefers the weaker, more malleable Joe Biden and the Democrats, as they will provide little to no real resistance to China’s goals and ambitions.

Corporations all employ a set of people dedicated to assessing how shifting political sands will impact corporate plans and profits, because everyone in the C suite of a corporation has his or her compensation tied directly to corporate performance metrics. They do not operate in a bubble detached from reality. Therefore, when corporations see that both the domestic policies of the United States, under Joe Biden, and that of their biggest customer base (China) are closely aligned, corporations tend to shift to whatever cultural norms will appease them both. Path of least resistance and greatest profits to put it simply. In this case, since the leaders of these corporations are all supporters of the Democrats, they were more than happy to support the woke culture the Democrats are pushing.

David C
David C
3 years ago

What an eye opener. Thank you for the education. I have been troubled by the trending ‘woke- ness’ of these corporations, but didn’t understand why. You have clarified that.
Your articles always contain so much interesting material.

3 years ago

So glad I’m retired. HR was alway filled with petty tyrants who want to control you with mindless coueses, programs and time wasters. Now they’ll be walking around acting like little hitlers.

Johnny Bad
Johnny Bad
3 years ago

We all know some of WHAT’S GOING ON AROUND HERE?? AMAC, is acting like a true advocate in our countries battle with a possible takeover in place. Seems as if few if any care bout our broken education system. Trusting politician’s with allocation of resources, seems silly but that is their job description. Check Webster’s on that (it’s true). Additionally, they’ve got some interest in our medical records now. Wonder just how much control will ever satisfy Washington’s lust for complete control of WE THE PEOPLE.

Theo Prinse
Theo Prinse
3 years ago

Mitch McConnell is a Traitor

3 years ago

Who comes up with these moronic terms? We are a country of stupid urban street slang that most intelligent people ignore. Like Billy Boy Clinton and his political correctness. Speak like rational human beings and make a solid point because I won’t listen to any nonsense terminology!

3 years ago

I have been saying this for years; corporate “leaders” are only worried about their own worthless careers not the true well being of their companies or the country. Since they are apparently espousing “equity”, which means equality of outcomes, I have an idea. So that everybody has equal pay at the end of the day lets start with “taxing” the richest CEOs until their pay AND ASSET LEVEL has been reduced to CEOs in the next tier down the income ladder. These “taxes” can be redistributed to people on the lowest rung of the income ladder until they have been brought up to the next tier of people in the lower income strata. This strategy could be utilized until everyone has the same pay and asset level, EQUITY FOR A–HOLES WHO DONT HAVE THE BALLS TO STAND UP FOR THE PRINCIPLES THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON, YET THINK THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO PROFIT FROM THEM WHILE DESTROYING THE OPPORTUNITY FOR HARD WORKING MIDDLE CLASS PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME.
F–k em all!!!!!

Ellen Hayes
Ellen Hayes
3 years ago

I’m tired of big money worrying only about the almighty dollar and never giving thought to ay type of moral climate. Most of these companies I have already stopped patronizing. i don’t need expensive, fancy coffee from Starbucks. Stopped buying Nike years ago because I don’t believe in their abusive slave labor. Don’t use Target, Uber, IBM or Verizon. I buy very few General Mills products. Unfortunately I use Google maps, have a T-Mobile phone and have Microsoft on my computer. Tired of what is going on in this country and tired of hearing all of the talk about what needs to be fixed and not seeing anyone doing the hard work of making things right again.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Got to help them achieve Chap 7 only way

3 years ago

Maybe some of these CEO’s should “grow a pair”.

3 years ago

Unfortunately, we can’t boycott them all but the ones we can, do.
I’ve wondered what the CEOs are going to feel once they succeed in taking America from a capitalist country to communism? Once that happens the people who support them will not longer have money to support them.
I would say it will serve them right except we’ll all be suffering. The CEOs falling for the woke junk are idiots.

3 years ago

Blackrock and another investment company own so much of other companies that they have their people on the companies board of directors and there lies the problem.

3 years ago

It’s pathetic that these weak-kneed woke CEOs would put everyone at risk by caving to leftist policies. Conservatives are already moving their business to corporations that keep their nose out of politics. Conservatives still have the power to put these woke jerks out of business. We have the power of the purse, and where possible, we should boycott all of these companies.

Jim Carlyle
Jim Carlyle
3 years ago

I have watched this mental illness ruin three very dynamic, major US companies in my lifetime-GE, GM and Atlantic Richfield-two of which I worked for.

3 years ago

So, I wish someone could make a list of the corps. to boycott with a list of reasonable replacements! No McD or Burger King.. Go Chik-fil-A!

3 years ago


3 years ago

What is important to remember is that there must not be as many of these “woke” voters because otherwise, the Democrats would not have needed to cheat so greatly in the last election.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

Disgusting to hear that GM has jumped on board with that BS.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

These wokes are just plain stupid. Kyle L.

Steve Goetz
Steve Goetz
3 years ago

Like the old time Soviet Commissars on the factory floor, in the theater, everywhere the Soviets wanted to control they inserted a commissar.

Mike Granby
Mike Granby
3 years ago

Woke politics are also a distraction, and one that can garner the CEO praise, plus invites to all the right dinner parties. And in the end, preaching politics is a lot easier than the toil of making money. Running a company well is tough: For all the talk of grand strategic plans and visions, it’s more about grinding out the details, day after day after day. In the end, the Coke CEO sells flavored water, and what he should be worrying about is his supply chain, he distribution, his market share, etc. But that’s awfully hard and dreary work, and even if you do your best, you might not deliver the numbers that the shareholders want. So what better than politics, where all it takes is a memo or a press release to solve a problem? It’s perfect for today’s dilettante leadership class: Instant results, no risk, and no need for real work.

3 years ago

Wokeism is a distraction to pacify the left and keep people from noticing all the horrible things they’re doing.

3 years ago

The WOKE executives and CEO’s will help Schumer, Pelosi and joe Biden destroy the US of America. They will laugh all the way to the bank. When they realize what they have done to America, it will be too late…

3 years ago

Solution……do not buy their product. We have lived without them b4.

3 years ago

If you feed people chocolate cake three times a day, they will grow tired of it and refuse to eat anymore at some point. The same holds true with this so called wokeism.

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